This is my first time writing anything for wattpad, so if anything isnt perfect you know why.
For this series I'm letting a wheel choose ships I like/most popular. The wheel will be shown at the start of each chapter!
This will only be on Genshin c...
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Sfw! Modern AU, All pictures are not mine. Found on google!
Tokyo. 2015. May, 9th. 11:34 am.
Late sun rise. Cloudy
Weather: Temperate.
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Detective Heizou was sitting at his desk, feet lifted on to the table. The room was cozy, small room, it had a nice warm feeling to it. Heizou was reading over a case he had been handed after the last detective quit, he just got it this morning. He tied his hair back, trying to get his brown, almost red looking bangs out the way. His work place was on the outskirts of Tokyo. But his case was in the main area of Tokyo, it was odd that he was handed this case. He would of never been sent on one of these, usually. He got up to ask a higher up, it felt odd in some way, and wanted to make sure he didn't get the wrong case.
(𝓗𝓮𝓲𝔃𝓸𝓾'𝓼 𝓹𝓸𝓿)
I never went to the heart of Tokyo for work, I only really with friends, or to see my girlfriend. I was a bit confused why I got tasked with this. So I thought I might as well go ask my supervisor. I walked out my office and started to make my way to my supervisor's office. Ms Kujou Sara, was usually there so I looked there first. It was a little bit of a walk, my office was on the very end of the building. It took me about 2 minutes to get there, but when I got there I knocked on the door. I waited until I heard a voice.