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"He's not safe with us Damien!" Lloyd heard his ginger-haired mother claim with a raised voice.

He could hear his father sigh, luring him to peak around the corner.
"I don't want to give him up, Koko.. I never wanted this to happen."

"You should never have taken that deal with Chen, he could never be trusted!"

"I'm not the only one who trusted him, so did Wu!"

"Yet YOU'RE the one with a hit on you. WHY DAMIEN?"

"Mommy..?" little Lloyd spoke up quietly, instantly getting the attention of his parents. He was stood in his green pyjamas, holding a light brown teddy bear.
"Why are you and Daddy fighting..?" the blonde asked with his eyes sparkling with tears.

Both of his parents walked over and knelt down to him, Koko holding her son in an embrace.

"We're sorry Lloyd it's just that.." Koko struggled to form words, pulling back from the hug as she went to wipe her eyes with her sleeve.

"Why is Mommy crying, Daddy?"

Damien frowned as his son looked at him with his bright green eyes. He couldn't risk it, he couldn't risk his son.
He didn't want to risk anyone, but Lloyd couldn't make the choice, he needed to make it for him.

"Mommy is crying because we have to.. travel, for a while and need you to stay with your Uncle Ray and Auntie Maya."

Koko looked at Damien, he knew better than anyone that Koko treasured the Smiths like they were blood. Not only were they Lloyd's godparents, but unofficial family. Ray and Maya's kids grew up with Lloyd like they were cousins, usually seeing each other at least once a month.

I×Power & Protection

"Come on Lloyd, don't let Nya beat us AGAIN!" Kai yelled to his little (figurative) brother.

"It's not my fault you're not throwing it far enough!!" Lloyd protested as the ball fell short of him, he dashed over and snatched it before Nya could get to it, but Skylor swiped it from him.

"Missed me, missed me!" Skylor taunted as she dodged past Kai, tossing the basketball into the net. "Now you gotta kiss me!"

"That can be arranged." Kai said with a grin, wrapping an arm around Skylor. Lloyd gagged in the background.

"Even with a boyfriend, that's disgusting." Nya commented.

"You're just jealous that I have a fiancé." Kai claimed with a sassy tone, pecking his girl's forehead afterwards.

"Oh whatever!" Nya scoffed. "I'll be engaged before Lloyd is, he'd go ballistic if he had to marry a girl."

Kai dramatically gasped. "Oh no, he's gay!"

Skylor erupted into laughter, followed by Kai and Nya, while Lloyd stood there flustered.

"I am not!! I just- don't like any girls I know. They're all gold diggers or gross.." Lloyd said as he put his tongue out.

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