Chapter 1: Pilot

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Well Roshidere was highly requested so here it is. I haven't seen or watch Roshidere so the characters may seem out of character and what not. Feel free to correct me if they are and anything to help improve it. Also, I don't speak Russian so if it isn't perfect that's the reason why 

If I may, I'd like to pose an interesting question: "Are all human beings truly equal?" These days everywhere you go there's talk about the fight for equality.

As a wise man once said, "Heaven does not create one person above or below another." People like to throw these words around. That's not the whole quote. It goes on to say that "... while we are all equal at birth, pretty soon, things begin to change. Academic effort is what sets some people apart to rise above the others.

At any rate, humans change over time based on their actions. Truth be told, at the end of the day, equality is just a fantasy. And most of us go through life denying the fact that we live in a meritocracy.

"Я могу сидеть здесь и смотреть на твоё привлекательное лицо каждый день (I can sit here and look at your hot face every day)"

As I was lost in thought, my monologue was abruptly interrupted by a voice speaking Russian. I turned to my left and saw my seatmate, Yuki Suou—an intriguing girl who had become quite familiar to me. She often spoke about me in Russian, completely unaware that I could understand every word she said.

"Pardon?" I asked, curious about the sudden shift in our conversation.

Suou's lips curled into a mischievous smile, her eyes sparkling with playful intent. "I was just saying how irresistibly cute you look today."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow "Don't I look the same all the time?"

Suou's grin widened as she leaned in slightly, her tone light and playful. "Oh, of course you do! But it's always fun to remind you just how adorable you are~"

I simply nodded, turning my gaze out the window. The peaceful scene outside provided a welcome distraction, but Suou's voice soon cut through the calm.

"Are you monologuing? Like a protagonist in a manga?" she asked with a teasing lilt.

How troublesome.

"No," I replied, attempting to maintain my focus on the outside world.

"Ты всегда делаешь такое лицо, когда ведёшь монолог, (You always make that face when you're monologuing)" she continued, her voice laced with amusement.

I shot her a sidelong glance and sighed, turning my attention back to the falling leaves. My thoughts, however, drifted back to my monologue, delving into deeper contemplation.

The concept of equality is often held up as a universal truth, yet it remains a distant ideal, obscured by the complexities of human nature. We are told that all people are created equal, but this notion is frequently undermined by the inequalities inherent in our societies and systems. Despite this, we cling to the idea, driven by a rational hope that perhaps, in striving for equality, we might inch closer to an ideal world. Yet, in the shadows of this pursuit, the stark contrast between our ideals and the reality of human imperfection becomes all too clear. It is this dissonance that challenges our rationality, urging us to confront the uncomfortable truth that equality, as we envision it, may forever elude us.


My contemplative monologue was abruptly cut off by the teacher's call. I turned my attention to him, noting the expectation in his gaze. "Can you answer question 5 for me?" he asked, his tone direct.

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