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I fell

But before my feets could reach the ground I grabbed onto the open window frame with my right hand giving my body a big stretch

My knuckles turned white as I grabbed the frame with my hands, I looked down towards my dangling feet and saw those bloody red eyed people staring at me with lust of hunger in their bloodshot eyes.

Thier pale bloody hands some even looked eaten dangling in air to reach me, growls and grunts from below me increased as they started throwing and grasping their hands in air more frantically

This was such a close call...

If I didn't catch this window on time I might've...

No don't think bout it

I shook my head and thrashed my feets against the brick wall supporting my weight as I pulled myself up from the window frame, I landed onto the ground inside the building with a thud

My breathing shakey, my body still trembling from the near death experience, I wanted to close my eyes and faint right eyelids became heavy as if they gained weight of their own but before I could take a nap which my body was heavily demanding I saw something from my squinted view.

It was a figure, a big figure of a man, it was on the other side of the gate that I was in, thankfully the gate looked locked, but the more I see that figure from the small window on the gate the more weird it looked, it's jaw with no doubt was ripped apart, I'd be surprised if it can actually bite someone, one of it eye left the socket, the other eye had a pencil stuck in it.

This is the most pitiful looking one I've seen since all this, I pushed my hands on the ground and got up with an excruciating pain in every part of my body but mostly my right ankle hurt the most

I winced when I saw my right foot, it was coverd in blood, suddenly my neck snapped towards that still roaming figure in front of me

Is he wandering like that because it can smell my blood?

I quickly got up not minding how much it hurts and limped towards the gate, I twisted and turned the lock to make sure it was locked, I looked outside the small glass window and saw a giant lock on the other side of the gate

I took a sigh and scoffed to myself while still heavily leaning onto the door, when that man crashed onto the door making me flinch, he made ugly screeches and grunting sound while slamming against the door and looking at me through the small window,
even with a broken jaw it still looked dangerous, I backed off from the gate.

If this deformed guy can find me by the smell of my blood I'm sure the "healthy ones" will not lack behind, I have to find anything useful I can in here and leave through the window

I gave my self a mental note to not make any noise and started going through stuff here and there. After what seemed like 10 minutes I found a first aid kit, I squealed inside

I cleaned my bleeding wound with cotton, it didn't clean much and the wound still bleed, I knew I have to clean it with water before doing anything

I looked around and found a half drank water bottle

This is my lucky day...or not

I used as much as minimal water as I had to, after washing all the blood there was still water left in it which ofcourse I drank in one go, it felt like the water traveled down my soul.

I never knew water could've tasted this good

After tossing the empty bottle I went through the aid kit, it didn't have much supplies in it, just a few bandages some pain killers and a Neosporin tube,

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