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Walking down the quite street, crunching few leaves and stems with my feets I make my way towards my early morning job, which is to deliver newspaper, I do this job particularly every day since it's not that hard and I get easy money plus I like waking up early, even tho I'm tiny bit late right now no worries, Ok not just tiny bit Im prob getting my ass whooped by mrs.carter, chuckling a little at that thought.

Skipping a few steps I kept walking in a good mood (suprisingly) after last night's hangover I must add, Pushing the thoughts of now a mild headache aside I reminded myself as to how lucky I am to feel this morning breeze, since no one probably wakes up at 4:30 a.m and says "shit I am late" unless they have a flight to catch or something plus I hate people.

Dark clouds crept above me as I turned my head over and saw blueish orange tint over the horizon of almost night-like sky, making it clear that dawn is here and morning will soon follow, I kept my pace steady neither too fast nor too slow, filling my lungs with the fresh flowing dawn gust....Even though I am running late I'm not skipping this, this is my favourite part of the day ofcourse after showering , Little things like this help me cope better.

Walking I took a big leap of 4 steps in one go, almost jumping over what seemed like a water puddle, weird there was no rain last night how is there a puddle this big in middle of street... with less to no light I couldn't tell at one glance if it was water or something else, not that was I interested anyway

Brushing it off as nothing I kept walking, not realising I already set foot in what locals including me called "thug street", sounds like a comedy show name or something but trust me this street earned its name, this is the worse place to walk through everytime, its trashed with broken roads abandoned buildings, unpicked trash mold everywhere and loads of uncut trees and shrubs, I mean LOADS

It got its name because there are bunch of thugs robbers mobs runaways making this street their "home", you can say this is the black sheep kinda street of our neighbourhood, As to why I choose this unpleasant street as my way to work and school is cuz there is no other way to where I am going other than this street and a forest nearby, and no way I'm walking in a forest at this time of day, I'd rather walk on this thug street than the big scary forest full of God knows what kind of animals, Though I'm still choosing bear over a man in blink of an eye dont worry, but since I personally know the main thugs here dont ask me how its a long story plus they also dont harm locals normally so I'd rather take the easy way.

Walking a few more steps I realised that I hear no sound... It was absolute silence other than my feets hitting the ground making little to no noise, which is weird almost strange at this point

Though this is a dead hour, I'd as usual expect morning birds chirping few circkets and cicadas making buzzing sound here and there in grass because of the amount of greenery in here..on some lucky or might I say unlucky days I'd also run into few thugs standing over the walls of abandoned buildings smoking and chatting mostly cussing, When their eyes land on walking me a few would look and smile or wave at me if they knew me and were kind enough for that, others would just look at me up and down giving me a weird stare, Though luckily no one approached me till now.

This silence was sending shivers down my spine, Though I've always being a scardy cat I am not scared of silence instead I love it, its calming and peaceful...but something about this silence is unsettling...almost like something is not right.

I blamed my overthinking for being weirded out by this strange setting and burshed it off as nothing serious, I kept walking but this time I took my phone out of my left pocket from my denim jeans, I unlocked it scrolling through thru my text messages checking for any new dms as if I have any friends to text me.. what a depressing loner I am sigh

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