The Greedy beat the Needy

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Synopsis: After Wonka's store is destroyed the Chocolate Cartel give Willy an ultimatum work for them or his friends will all be arrested and will suffer on his behalf.

Wonka's POV:

This wasn't how it was meant to go, it had all been going so well until I discovered that somehow all my chocolate had been poisoned with Yeti Sweat. Noodle tried to comfort me but all I needed right now was to be alone for a while so I asked Abacus and the others to take Noodle back to the Laundry house and make sure she was okay, I sat amongst the ruins of the shop thinking about what my mother would say if she was here now. 

Footsteps behind me pulled me from my thoughts I turned around and saw the chocolate Cartel stood near the doorway, I felt anger boiling up inside me but I remained calm and said 'I knew you three would be behind this, why are you here now you got what you wanted' Mr Slugworth gave a short smile and said 'Personally we weren't behind the poisoning we asked Mrs Scrubit to add a little extra something to your Chocolates, don't take the loss too hard Mr Wonka you never belonged here anyway. Besides we have something to offer you'.

Mr Ficklegruber knelt down on the floor and opened a small briefcase which contained some money he told me that all the money was for each of my friends at the washhouse including Noodle there was even some there to pay off my debt, Mr Slugworth smiled sinisterly and said 'Did you seriously think we'd just give you this money and let you and your peasant friends go well you are wrong, we will give this money to your friends and all you have to do is work for us for the rest of your pathetic life'.

I nodded accepting their terms Mr Slugworth came up to me and bound my hands tightly behind my back and said 'You two take him back to his new home whilst I go and deliver the money to the Washhouse, I'll be seeing you later Mr Wonka and we'll have a little chat about the rules and what'll happen if you don't obey us'.

Despite having my eyes covered I knew we were inside the Cathedral I could hear the monks singing and smell the incense, I also remembered Abacus telling me that the Chocolate Cartel's lair was below the Cathedral. Once inside the their lair the blindfold was roughly pulled from around my eyes, I looked around my surroundings before being shoved into a cold damp cell in the corner of the Vault, the rope was cut from around my wrists and soon replaced with a pair of heavy iron Shackles which connected me to the wall with a long chain.

Abacus's POV:

It was late snow was falling outside and Mr Wonka still hadn't returned and we were all beginning to worry that something might have happened to him, myself and Piper were stood on the landing looking out of the window to see if we could see him coming over the bridge. Piper pointed and said 'Look there's someone coming along the Canal path' I looked closer and instantly recognised the person as Mr Slugworth we both crept down the stairs onto the second landing and listened to Mrs Scrubit talking to Mr Slugworth.

We saw Mr Slugworth hand money over which he explained was enough to clear all of our debts but what shocked us more was when Mr Slugworth said 'Oh and you won't need to worry about Mr Wonka anymore the fire restarted and he perished in the building' the man was lying myself and Piper were there when the fire was put out so the question was what had actually happened to Mr Wonka.

Not wanting to be spotted myself and Piper quietly made our way upstairs Lottie and Larry were stood outside their rooms I looked at Lottie and said 'Is Noodle still asleep' Lottie nodded and I signalled for them to come into my room with Piper as we didn't want Noodle to hear this until we knew the truth.

Lottie spoke first 'Is there news of Mr Wonka' Piper and I looked at each-other and she shook her head as she said 'Me and Abacus heard Mr Slugworth talking to Mrs Scrubit, he's told her that Mr Wonka died in the fire at the store that apparently the flames restarted but obviously we know that's not true' I cleared my throat and said 'We also saw Mr Slugworth handing over a small briefcase filled with money enough for all of us to pay of our debts here but I think that money came with a certain price'.

Larry looked down at the floor and said 'What sort of Price' I took a deep breath and replied 'Mr Wonka's life in exchange for ours. One question I must ask is what do we tell Noodle' Piper quickly responded 'We can't tell her this, the poor girl has already been through enough pain. We keep this to ourselves and try to find Mr Wonka ourselves'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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