Chapter Three

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Taylor went back to get her hair and makeup finished, and then she went over to do her cheer with all her dancers that she did before every show.
After that, they took the stage and the show was seemingly going well. By 1989 she started feeling dizzy and her heart was pounding. 'Just three more sets' she thought to herself.
Taylor made it through 1989 and then she got to I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. She's meant to pretend to feel sick, but she didn't have to pretend. She was incredibly dizzy. She pushed through and got to surprise songs. It was a nice break just standing in one spot for a small bit of time. When it got to the stage dive, she dove in took a small break to drink some water, and then got dressed. She only had one more set left, and then she was done for the night.
After a quick break, she popped back into performance mode. The first couple of songs went well, which was good. When it got to the last song she was feeling horrible. Only five more minutes and she could sit down. She finished her closing song and the stage lowered. The only thing keeping her going was adrenaline. When she went under the stage, her adrenaline was gone.
She looked around for Travis, and when she spotted him she excitedly started running over to him. He smiled wide at her and opened her arms. The crowd could see this and they were smiling at their perfect relationship. When Taylor was about 20 feet away from him she realized she realized she could barely breathe, and she collapsed.
The whole crowd gasped and Travis ran over to her. "Taylor!" he yelled but there was no response. Travis picked her up and ran her over to the tour doctor away from all her fans. It was bad enough that they all saw her collapse, they didn't need to see this too. When Travis got there he sat her down on the couch. Tree was there too, and Travis explained what had happened. Even though he wasn't too sure what was going on.
The three of them (Travis, Tree, and the tour doctor) tried to wake her up but it was no use.
"What's going on? Is she going to be Ok?" Travis and Tree asked worriedly.
"I can't answer that right now," The doctor said, "she passed out and fell on hard concrete. She's going to be groggy for a little I would assume."
"That makes sense." Tree said.
"Do you two know what could have happened?" The doctor asked.
"Maybe," Tree said, "she's been feeling really anxious recently and that could be why. She's been eating, so it's not that."
"Ok, I'd like to run some blood tests a little after she wakes up. I'll let you guys be for now. Call me back in when she wakes up."
Travis and Tree tried to wake Taylor, but nothing was working. Eventually, her eyes started fluttering and she was starting to regain consciousness. She sat up and Travis and Tree each held one of her hands.
"W-what happened?" Taylor asked, stuttering over her words.
"That's what we want to know too." Tree said.
"You passed out Tay," Travis told her softly.
"What?! Who saw?!" Taylor asked while starting to panic.
Tree and Travis looked at each other and Tree told her the truth, "You passed out after you left the stage, and were running to Travis."
"So everyone?" Taylor asked, tears welling in her eyes.
Tree and Travis nodded sympathetically. Travis went to get the tour doctor, and he came back ready to do some blood and oxygen tests.
"Ok Tay," Tree said, "can you put your arm out so we can test your blood?"
Taylor hated needles, but she listened to Tree.
"Really guys, I'm fine," Taylor said to everyone. Even she knew it wasn't true.
The doctor tested her blood and gasped when it registered. "Taylor? Your blood sugar levels are exceedingly low."
"What does that mean?" Tree asked.
"One main thing usually," the doctor turned to Taylor, "you haven't been eating, have you?"
The question caught her off guard. Maybe she could get herself out of this? "I have! I'm just tired."
"You're either lying, or something else is horribly wrong. I'm gonna step out and give you three some time to talk."
"Tay? Have you?" Travis asked.
Taylor started to fidget and she was visibly anxious. She was physically shaking. Tears started rolling down her face as she realized she wasn't getting out of this.
She hesitated and shook her head 'no' and Tree and Travis sighed.
"Why Tay?" Travis asked her kindly.
"You know why. Please don't make me explain."
Neither of them pressured her as she was already crying and they didn't want to make it any worse.
"Your body needs fuel. You can't do this to yourself anymore. How long has this been going on."
"A week." Taylor lied. It's been months.
"Tay, there's no way this all happened in a week, be honest." Tree wasn't as naive as Taylor though she was apparently.
"A couple of months," Taylor said barely above a whisper.
"It's ok. We're going to work through this together." Travis assured her.
"Let's head home and we'll get you some dinner."
The three of them hopped in the car and headed back to Taylor's hotel room. In the car, Taylor was picking at the skin on her wrist and it started bleeding.
"Stop Tay." Tree said.
Taylor looked at her confused because she hadn't realized what she was doing.
"Your wrist?" Tree said grabbing her hand.
"Sorry," Taylor said starting to shake her leg.
"Don't be Tay, we're here to help."

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