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Eliza had never felt so drained as she walked into her new home hoping her mother baked something like old times to make the day end properly.
She walked into the kitchen and instead of being met with a plate of freshly baked cookies she was met with her mother rushing around trying to find her keys.
"Where are they?
I swear I just had them" her mother mumbled.
Eliza walked to the counters in the middle of the kitchen and sat on one of the stools.
"Check your pockets," Eliza said.
Her mother looked at her before going through her pockets only to pull out her keys.
"Where are you going?" Eliza asked.
"To a meeting with a group, I've been a part of for a while.
The town council and all that fun stuff" her mother said.
"The town council?
But we only entered the town last night" she said.
"I know the mayor.
We went to school together and when I tell you she practically begged me to stay involved.
Money for food is on the table.
Remember to lock the doors" her mother said before rushing out.
Eliza looked over her shoulder before walking over to the phone sitting next to the random fruit basket in the corner of the counter across from her.
She went to dial the nearest pizza place but before she hit the last number before put the phone back and went to the fridge.
She grabbed a few things before making lasagna.
Once she finished eating and finished cleaning the kitchen she checked all the doors and windows.
Her father was a smart man.
If he followed them he could find them so she couldn't take any chances.

Her mother stood in Carol Lockewood's lavish house as everyone chatted amongst themselves.
Meridith couldn't keep her mind off of Eliza.
After everything, all she wanted was to get her daughter m, her sweet angel away from the situation she forced her to be in.
She didn't have the nerve to tell Eliza that this wasn't the first time she thought about leaving it was just the only time she went through with it.
Oh my goodness" Carol walked quickly for her before wrapping her in a tight hug.
"It's been years.
How's everything?
I know from the last time we talked that you and Chris were thinking about moving back here" Carol said.
"I left Chris yesterday.
I couldn't do it and Eliza.
That girl is so pure and I can't put her through that again" Meridith said.
"I'm sorry.
How old is she now?" Carol asked.
"Seventeen" Meridith said.
"Well, I hope you do well back here.
If you want you can always come over.
My son Tyler is Eliza's age.
It might be good for her to meet someone.
Find a bond you know.
Like we did" Carol said.
"I'll see," Meridith said.
"You know you're not the only new member.
This really handsome young man joined yesterday.
No one knows who he is but he is I guess very interested in the community" Carol said.
"Oh look he's just over there.
He's a catch, isn't he?
What I wouldn't do to be in my twenties again" Carol said.
Meredith shook her head before looking over.
In one of the many archways, a man stood still with a glass of scotch in his hand and a charming smile on his face.
He suddenly met Meridith's eyes before walking over.
"Wonderful meeting Mrs Lockwood," he said in a voice that sounded like silk.
Soft but masculine.
"Thank you..." Carol said before remembering she didn't know his name.
"Elijah Mikaelson," he said.
"Nice to meet you," Meridith said.
He looked at her and nodded.
"And who might you be?" he asked.
"Meridith Willows.
I just moved here with my daughter" she said.
"Say, Meridith, do you know anything about the many disappearances in this town over the last twenty years?" he asked.
"I do actually.
My ex-husband used to work a lot so I worked behind the scenes in a way" Meridith said.
"How about we talk more about the subject?
I would love to hear what you have to say about it" he said.
"Oh, I can't stay long.
Say, why don't you come with me?
I'll open a bottle of wine and we can talk.
Maybe then I can say I have a friend besides old high school buddies" Meridith said.
"It would be my pleasure, Meridith," he said.
Wasn't he charming?

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