The Big 3

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The dorm was noisy and it annoyed her. She still couldn't get herself a new pair of headphones and her aids hurt her ears as she wasn't used to wearing them. To her surprise she didn't receive any punishment from Aizawa for skipping the opening ceremony, but he wasn't pleased about her skipping the entire day. She got scolded and that's all. The next day she attended the lessons, but she didn't pay too much attention to them. Usually she tuned down the sounds on her aids. She didn't put any effort into getting along with her classmates either. Sora didn't want to be close to anyone again. She didn't want to lose the ones she loved. So she kept to herself, not acknowledging the others' attempts. She spends her lunch breaks on the rooftop, and after classes have ended she is the first one to leave the classroom using her quirk to get back to her room as quickly as possible. On the fourth day, Broccoli joined the class after his detention was over.

- I'm going to catch up with everything I fell behind in these past three days! - he said with enthusiasm.

Why the hell is he so noisy this early? Sora watched his encounter with a frown and putting her head down on her already folded arms. She was exhausted. She was now awake for five days in a row. She couldn't sleep at all. Whenever she closed her eyes, she saw them, if not them then Kamino, the scared Pomeranian, All Might downfall. It was just too much in her mind, too much thoughts. She didn't know how much longer she could go before she collapsed. But it definitely got closer. She turned her head to the side and peaked out to look at her brother. Back then, when they were still little kids, before Shotos' quirks manifested, whenever she had a nightmare she always found confrontation in Shoto's presence. Maybe...

In your seats, everyone! - Aizawa scared the Broccoli with his cold order. His eyes scanned the room, finding the two toned hair girl laying on her desk. He was worried about her and for the first time he didn't know how to help her. After everyone settled down in their seats, he continued. - Morning. Now that Midoriya is back, we'll go into more details about the work studies. Please come in.

- Huh... - Sora lifted her head, curiously.

- We'll have people who experienced it first hand tell you about how these are different from internships. - The door opened and three students entered the class. - Listen carefully. The three third years at U.A., who stand at the top of all U.A. students, also known as the Big Three.

Big Three, huh?

There were two boys and a girl who stood at the front of the class. The girl had long blue hair with similar eyes color, the cheerfulness radiating off from her. One of the boys kept his raven haired head down in shyness, while the other one who had blonde hair and button-like eyes, held his head high with confidence.

The class murmured to each other, about how good they are.

- Can you introduce yourself briefly? Let's start with Amajiki. - Aizawa gestured towards the shy boy who looked up with fierce eyes taking aback the whole class, even Sora.

- It's not good... Mirio, Hado - he whispered shakily - Even if I look out on them imagining that they are potatoes, everything other than their heads remains human. I still can't see them as anything as human. What should I do? I can't ... say anything... My mind ... blank... - he was now shaking visibly. Does he have social anxiety? - I want to go home! -

Sora was dumbfounded. What the hell?

This is the flea, Tamaki Amajiki! - the girl introduced her friend with her cheery voice. - And then, I'm Nejire Hado. We were asked to talk to you guys about work studies. But wait ... why are you wearing a mask? Are you sick? Trying to look better? Oh my, you must be Todoroki-kun, right? How did you get burned right there?

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