Book 5 | Ch. 13 - A Throbbing Sensation?

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Arriving at the dormitory section of the guild, Veronica opened the door, revealing a comfortable and inviting living space. The room was well-furnished with beds, storage cabinets, and a cozy study area, providing us with a place to rest and call our own.

"Here is your room within the guild," Veronica said, gesturing towards the room. "Feel free to make yourselves comfortable. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to ask me or any of the guild members."

Expressing our gratitude, Cloudy and I thanked Veronica for her guidance and support. She smiled warmly and assured us that it was her pleasure to help.

As we settled into our new surroundings, a mix of excitement and apprehension filled the air. The upcoming duel with Eric, the challenges of our research, and the mysteries of the portal factor all loomed in our minds. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, I felt a renewed sense of purpose no longer clinging as tightly toward the dark corner I once found comfort in.

Taking a deep breath, I embraced the path that lay before me, ready to face the trials and adventures that awaited. The guild had become more than just a place of employment; it was now a home, a sanctuary where dreams and destinies intertwined.

"Why don't we check out some of the areas now that we finally have some room for free time?" For once I wasn't as keen on working all day and wanted to enjoy the afternoon. Cloudy on the other hand had answers that needed to be solved.

"First.. Explain yourself and why you didn't tell me about anything of what happened with Eric."

Ah crap.. He's pissed. I should tell him the truth but would he even care?

"You've seen me doing research and what it involves is called the portal factor, or so at least what the guild master refers to it as."

"I get that. Why didn't you let me in on this? Am I that unreliable?"

"Come on and stop trying to downplay yourself. I would never think of you as such a thing."

"It just feels like it man. It doesn't sit well with me and it feels like you just keep too many secrets that will only burden you. I'm right beside you too. I'm willing to burden the world with you if I must."

Cloudy's frustration was palpable, and I could sense the hurt in his voice. It was clear that my lack of transparency had affected him deeply. Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I realized that keeping him in the dark was not fair to our friendship and partnership.

"H-hey.. I'm sorry. I don't mean to hide thing from you, really. I just don't want you or Nick to get harmed because of my actions."

"Well at least you realize this and apologized. Why don't we go get some food? It's been a bit since we've eaten together just the two of us and messed around."

"Y-yeah.. I'd like that." A sense of relief washed over me as I grinned lightly sending an open smile Cloudy's way.

Leaving our belongings behind, with our weapons securely strapped to my hip and Cloudy's back, we embarked on a leisurely stroll along the heavy streets of the fortress. We couldn't help but admire the magnificent views that surrounded us.

Towering structures reached towards the sky, their intricate designs adding a sense of grandeur to the cityscape. The warm glow of lights illuminated the streets, casting a beautiful ambiance over the entire area.

As we walked, we noticed the harmony of nature and civilization. Birds gracefully soared through the air, while vibrant plants thrived in carefully tended gardens. Laughter and the sound of children playing filled the air, their carefree spirits a refreshing reminder of innocence and joy.

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