It's Not Easy to Hide

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Can's P.O.V

I feel my anger rise as I hold a shaking Sanem. I made my way to her earlier today, to simply head out for lunch, and I found her scared beyond means. As she mentions the man with the camera, I look at Deren who pulls the camera back from Sanem and opens the screen to review the footage. I cradle Sanem on my chest, as Deren clicks through the photos. 

The photos begin this morning; there is a photo of Sanem and Guliz grabbing a coffee at the cafe down the street, a few zoom-in shots of Sanem's face, pictures of Sanem working in the conference room and some zoomed-in shots of her drawing boards. The vein on my head begins to pop as I grit my teeth so hard that a sharp pain shoots to my jaw. I see my fears come to life as parts of Sanem's past reveal themselves in the most aggressive ways. I close my eyes to breathe in my anger; nothing will happen to her. We will fix this. 

Deren looks at me, as we both try and figure out how to save Sanem from this situation. 

Deren hands me the camera, "I think we should swap the memory card and give it back to the front desk." She says. 

She opens her mouth to add more but stops herself. I nod at her appreciatively. This isn't the time for more questions. 

"Let's swap the card for now," I tell Deren. 

Sanem sits down on the bench, and Deren sits beside her embracing her gently. I swap his memory card quickly with an old empty card. Deren gets up to head down, but I tell her I will go. 

Sanem looks up worried, and I drop a reassuring kiss on her head before heading down. I quickly place the camera back at the front desk. As I turn the corner looking for the culprit, I hear a deep voice yelling. Cey cey and a tall man are seated in the staff room, the man is screaming at Cey cey as he calmly drinks his coffee. 

"How many times do I have to tell your peanut head, I need to see Sanem." He yells again.

"You know the coffee we have is made with Ethiopian beans." He continues, sipping his drink. 

I roll my eyes at his antics and head into the room. The man turns around and looks at me. He stands tall at about 6' 1", and he has green eyes, light brown hair and a fully-grown beard. He stands up and makes his way towards me. 

"Hi, are you the boss here?" He asks, extending his hand for me to shake. 

I eye him suspiciously before shaking his hand with more strength than I should have, "Yes, hello I'm Can Divit. Can I help you with something?" 

"I'm a friend of Sanem, I heard she works here. I am just looking to speak to her for a few minutes." He says. 

"If you're her friend, you should have her phone number. Why don't you call her?" I ask, prying into his poor excuse. 

"She moved here recently, and I don't have her new number." He says confidently. A small smirk appears on his smug face, and I hold back myself from punching him into the ground. 

"Very well, why don't you wait in the conference room and I'll go see where she is," I tell him, my mind wanders to devise a plan to figure out who this man is. 

"That would be great." He says and I walk him to the conference room around the corner, far from the staff and without windows. As he goes inside to wait, I lock the door from the outside. I decide to grab the camera as bait but see Sanem walking down the hall with Deren running behind her. 

"Sanem.." I start, but she cuts me off. 

"I want to meet him. Whatever he has to say, I want to hear it Can." She tells me softly. 

"Sanem, you were shaking minutes ago, I don't think this is a smart call," Deren tells her.

Sanem looks at me, knitting her eyebrows and asking for acceptance.

"Why don't you two head into my office? There is a security system, and you can watch and hear everything happening in that room. I don't trust what he might say if he sees you. If you accept, I'll take Emre and we can figure out what's going on. Sanem, whoever this man is, it's clear he has ill intentions and if- if anything happens to you Sanem I-". She stops me, crushing herself into my chest and wrapping her arms around me.

I see Deren smile at us, and Sanem places a kiss on my cheek, holding my face tenderly. The girls turn and head upstairs, as I place a call beckoning Emre downstairs.

He meets me at the end of the hall, and I quickly brief him on the events of today. Emre is fuming and gladly decides to join me. I need him to play mediator so I don't beat up the man. 

We look at each other, take a breath and head inside. 


Hello All! Thank you for all your comments and love. I would love to hear what you all would like to see from the story! I am trying to update as often as possible, but my schedule allows for limited writing. Please bear with me!

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