Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

"...I'm not asking you to write all of it for me, just...most of it," Ron pleaded with Hermione in the Gryffindor common room. The two approached Harry and Evelyn, who were cozied up by the fire. Evelyn sat cross-legged on the floor, while Harry lounged on the couch, flipping through a textbook.

"All right; I'll do the introduction—but that's all," Hermione relented, settling down next to Harry. Ron's face lit up with relief.

"Hermione, you are honestly the most wonderful person I've ever met, and if I'm ever rude to you again—"

"I'll know you're back to normal," Hermione interrupted, eliciting a small smile from Evelyn. Hermione's gaze then fell upon Evelyn, who was absently playing with the back of her hand, where a scar from her detention with Umbridge was still forming.

"What's wrong with your hand?" Hermione asked, her concern evident. Evelyn looked up, startled that Hermione had noticed. She shrugged, hastily concealing her hand.

"I'm missing a finger," Evelyn said nonchalantly. Hermione's gaze sharpened as she studied Evelyn's reaction. Evelyn's eyes flickered toward Harry, who was also attempting to hide his hand. Hermione, now determined, reached out and gently pulled Harry's hand into view.

Hermione's eyes widened in horror as she saw the scar. She turned to Evelyn, who reluctantly extended her own hand to reveal her matching mark.

"You've got to tell Dumbledore," Hermione urged, her voice trembling.

"NO," Harry shot back immediately, his face flushed. He took a deep breath, trying to control his frustration. "I mean...Dumbledore's got enough on his plate right now. Besides, I don't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction."

Hermione and Ron exchanged worried glances, silently pleading with Evelyn to convince Harry to reconsider. Evelyn, however, kept her gaze fixed on the floor, avoiding their eyes.

"Bloody hell, Harry, the woman's torturing you!" Ron's voice was a mixture of anger and desperation. "If the parents knew about this—"

"Well, I haven't got any of those, have I, Ron?" Harry snapped, his tone harsh. Ron's eyes flashed with hurt but quickly returned to a calm, resigned state.

"'ve got to report this. It's a simple matter-" Hermione insisted.

"No, it's not!" Harry's voice rose in frustration as he slammed his book shut. He struggled to keep his voice steady. "Hermione...whatever's going on isn't simple."

Ron and Hermione exchanged worried looks, their concern palpable.

"You don't understand," Harry said, shaking his head. He stood abruptly and strode up the stairs to his dormitory.

"Then help us to" Hermione called after him, her voice strained with emotion.

The room fell into a heavy silence as Hermione and Ron turned to Evelyn. Evelyn met their gazes, her own eyes reflecting a deep sense of guilt.

"Evelyn, this isn't right," Hermione began, her voice trembling slightly with the weight of her emotions.

Evelyn shook her head. "I'm with Harry on this one. I'm sorry." She stood and began packing up her books, her movements deliberate and firm. "You need to respect his decision," she warned, glancing at Hermione and Ron with a mix of determination and concern.

"But Evelyn-" Ron started

"No. Harry's the boss. I trust him." Evelyn said, resolute. She turned and left them in the common room, heading down to her own dorm, ready to go to sleep and forget the day.

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