One who's harry

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      Football is my favorite sport, I grew up playing it in my backyard with my friend Niall kicking the football back and forth it was always fun for me.

But it's not only that's football is one of the few things I'm actually good at but that's besides the point, I couldn't afford to lose it, it means to much to me.

But as soon as a curly-headed, bloke had decided that one day he would join the football team.

The coach even thought it would be a great idea that he was good enough to make him co-captain with me.

Like out of all people, him? He's not even that good.
(Louis knows he hasn't seen him play yet but he can just tell by the way practice hasn't even started and Harry's already jumping around and twirling like some ballerina he oblivious doesn't care for football)

Before that curly headed bloke joined the team it was just me as the captain of the team and no one was in the way. Now I have to deal with curly green-eyed boy.

It's not that he hate's him personality he's just more mad at the fact that the boy stole his place in being captain the one thing he was good at he has to share it with him.

But his way of showing anger towards him it would seem like hate but as soon as Harry showed it back that's when Louis started to hate yeah he know hate is a strong word ( at least that what his mom told him ) Harry he was just so full of himself. He think that he can own the team.

And it's not like he was even on the team before Louis it has always been Louis team he was captain way before harry came in the picture, but then coach thought that it would be a great idea to make them both co-captain.

You can just tell how happy Louis was when he found out that he was not going to be the only captain anymore (note the sarcasm).

(Few weeks ago when Harry joined the team/ when school started up again after summer)

Louis was on the field with some of his mates on the team because most of them were in the locker room still.

Louis was going to start to do his warm-up laps when he heard a loud commotion in the locker room and a whole bunch of his mate on the team coming out but in the front of his team was his coach his coach moved his head to the left signaling Louis to come over to him.

Louis looked around confused until he seen one particular lad that stood out to him he's never seen him before specifically in the field but he was fit in Louis opinion he was nice to look at he had curly hair and big green emerald eyes and if Louis was looking correctly he had dimples when he smiled which Louis thought was cute ( Cute ?How can a man be cute? What am I even thinking...) Louis shakes his head and let out a small sigh, trying to get that thought out of his brain it was to early for him maybe that why he thinking that ( yeah it most definitely is).

Louis realized he has been staring too long when he gets knocked out of thought when he hear's "Tomlinson" Louis turned his head slightly around to see t that it was his coach looking mad so Louis snaps out of thought but one thought, still lingering in his brain that one curly headed lad but who was he that what was on his mind when he want to talk to the coach.

As Louis walk to the side of the locker room wall
Following his coach.

His coach stop and look at Louis, Louis look back awkwardly and said, "so what did you need to tell me coach"? His coach coughs awkwardly and says "so Louis I been meaning to tell you this but I thought I would have more time to but it turns out he's a week early".

Louis looks at him confused and just mumbles an "okay".

"Don't be mad but your not the only one who is going to be the captain this year your going to be co-captains with the new kid Harry and before you say anything he is really good I seen him play before and he's one of the best and I feel like you guys are really going to get along". (p.s Louis definitely didn't think that as the word's left his coaches mouth).

If looks could kill his coach would have been gone that second.

Louis looks at his coach irritated. He has done so much for his team. He has worked so hard to get where he is now and got to be captain for Hall Cross high School. He has basically put his whole life in it (and no I am not being dramatic. Okay maybe a little but still).

And his coach can't just do that to him after 2 years of just him being captain he's going to take that away just for 2 people can be captains TWO PEOPLE! Like who even does that? (apparently his coach does).

And who even is the new kid? He's probably not even that good.

Louis get broken out of thought when he hears his coach call him "Louis" he look up at his coach with confusion, anger and just disbelief of what even going right now.

"Louis, his coach says more sternly, Are you going to tell me what you think"?

And that what set Louis trigger off because who does he think he is? I mean he is the Coach but still.

"Tell you what I think, are you really going to say that after you know how hard l've work to be captain"!  "How much time and effort I put into what I'm doing right now! You know how much this team means to me!? It's basically my life and now you want me to share it"! ( he knows he being a little dramatic just a little though but it's what he felt in the moment) " l've literally work my ass off to be captain and you know that! And now some new kid gets it because what you seen him play? Like what one time!? That's not fair and you know it! Who even is this new kid"? Louis yells furious while looking at his Coach.

This is the end of the chapter I know it is short but this was just to get the story started and to see if people actually like it if there are any mistakes feel free to comment them or if you have any ideas to thanks for reading bye xx <3

I never hated you, you just never like me Co-captains (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now