ch. 3

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I'm not really sure what happened after that, but the next thing I knew, I was laying on my back in Will's bed, his body covering mine. He kissed my mouth hungrily, and I reciprocated. I had never been the kind of girl to quote on quote "fuck on the first date", but for some reason I was unnaturally attracted to him. I was letting my body take over, and for some reason it felt so right.

Being with Will felt right.

30 minutes later, he dropped down beside me, both of us panting heavily. My heart was beating so hard and so fast I was almost sure that he could hear it from where his body was laying.

"We should do that more often, Ells." Will said, turning onto his side and looking at me with a dastardly grin stretched across his lips.

"Is that your way of asking me out?" I asked before smirking, hoisting my body up on my elbows and looking down at him.

"No." He stated flatly, causing my lips to fall into a frown. "It's my way of insinuating that we should be fuck buddies."

"So we wouldn't put a label on it?" I ask, combing a hand through my wavy locks.

"Not being in a relationship, just sex. No strings attached." Will said, smirking.

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