Cherry red lips

7 0 0

Wtf just happened. We almost kissed. We. Almost. Kissed. WE ALMOST KISSED! Okay calm down Carlos it didn't actually happen. Damn I really wanted to kiss her. Fuck, she looked so kissable.

Her cherry red lips, mascara dripping down her face

God damn she looked so good

"It'll pass over I just need sleep" I try to convince myself to chill and collapse on my bed. As I start to fall asleep loud knocks on my door awakens me.

Walking to the door and opening it. There she is, standing in front of me. Looking so sweet and innocent.

"Did you just forget about me or something? I gave you everything I had. I loved you Carlos. I still love you. I need you Carlos please come home please." Tears shimmered in her eyes. And for a moment her tears seemed sincere.

"Maile, as I recall you slept with my best friend in my own bed and you want me back" I stated

"It-it was a mistake, I was alone and afraid. He was there for me, when you weren't.

"That's your excuse? That's your fucking excuse? I'm gonna ask you this once and only once."

"Please leave and never come back, please leave me alone and get out of my life. Can you do that?" I pleaded

"cmon yk I can't do that, I love you. Don't leave me please." She shut her eyes and hugged me tightly, leaving me with no air.

"Please don't make this harder than it needs to be" I say gently trying to pry her off.

From the corner of my eye I see her. A line appeared between her eyebrows. She lifted an eyebrow. Apparently I was taking my sweet time admiring her seeing as Maile had her eyes on her too.


"That's why. That's why you don't want me." She released me and walked off.


Kehlani's POV

Fuck I don't wanna go to work. I mean I could always just get high and go AWOL.


I wish I could do that but I have to get ready for work.

As I start to get ready flashbacks from that night take over my mind.

We almost kissed.

My hands crept towards my wet and aching area.

Feeling myself through my shorts sent me over the edge.

God that feels so good.

Slowly dragging my hands in my shorts, I insert one finger.

"Fuck" I moan.

While adding another finger I imagine Carlos fingering me.

Giving me the pleasure I yearn for.

"Almost there" I whine

*ring ring*

"FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK" I was almost there.

"What?" I say answering the phone.

"You're late, you were supposed to be here 25 minutes ago."

"I know I'll be there soon"

Okay now I actually have to start getting ready.

"Hi, welcome to blah blah blah what can I get for you"

"um I'll have a medium mocha ribbon crunch frappe and a slice of red velvet cake"

"Okay that'll be 13.87 please" I ring her up and move on the the next customer

"I'll have a regular coffee, black and um-are you listening? Could you hurry up I have somewhere important to be."

Damn man did you have asshole for breakfast or something?

"That'll be 4.78 sir"

"That much for one fucking coffee? This is a fucking scam.

Then don't fucking come here. Problem solved.

"Sir if you could please pay, there are people behind you." He rolls his eyes and hands me a 5 dollar bill.

"Keep the change, you look like you need it" Okay that was so unnecessary. Plus wtf am I gonna do with 22 cents. That's not even enough to buy a nowandlater.

6 hours later

Finally my shift is over I'm so ready to go home and try out my new vibrator.

As I exit my workplace immediately shivering from the feeling of the cold air I realize I took the bus here.

"Dammit. I forgot my car is in the shop."

I pull out my phone about to call an Uber and at the worst possible timing, it dies. What. The. Hell. I can never seem to catch a damn break can I?

I suck it up at start to walk in the direction of my house.

As I'm walking I notice footsteps in sync with mine. Okay just chill, nothings gonna happen. And if it does just remember you know kung fu.

"Hey pretty lady" I hear the man behind me say.

I ignore his words and start to walk a bit faster.

"Ay bitch I know you hear me talkin to you. He slurs. Damn the drunk ones are hard to handle.

Around the corner from my house I'm now sprinting from this man.

Then suddenly I feel him grab my hair and pull me down. The pavement plus my head, not a good combination.

My vision starts to blur, my body begins to numb. I can't breathe I can't move. Then I blackout.

"Hey get the fuck away from her" Was the last thing I heard.

"Hey, wake up. You're okay."

"Wtf happened" I say while trying to carefully sit up.

"Don't move, you're bleeding."

Carlos softly took my hand and guided it to the corner of my forehead.

I felt a bandage there, I'm guessing I probably hit my head.

"How'd that happen?"

"I'm not sure, I found you passed out on the concrete." His brows knitted, I could tell he was lying but I decided not to say anything.

I looked around, now aware of my surroundings. Oh I'm in my apartment, how did I get here?

My eyes wandered everywhere and I suddenly lock eyes with the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

"I know I'm handsome no need to stare so hard."

My eyes widened.

"I'm sorry- sorry I didn't mean to" Great now I'm stuttering.

"What if I kissed you right now?" Again my eyes widened. "Wh-What?"

"I said are you going to be okay, I have work soon."

Weird, I heard something completely different. "Yeah I'll be fine."

"Thank you, for helping me." I say

"It's no problem really." He smiles

He has such an adorable smile. Reminds me of-

"Well I gotta get going but call if you need anything, I wrote my number down in case you needed anything."

Oh really? Or did you just wanna have my number

As soon as he left I fell right back asleep


His touch, Her bodyWhere stories live. Discover now