Chapter 4- i dont trust him..

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🩵Rylees pov🩵

I walked out of the forest as normal, aspen was the only one there this time so I went to her "hey aspen! How's your morning?" I asked. She jumped a little "shit sorry I didn't see you!" She said panicked a little, I responded with a small smile "it's alright" she smiled back a little. "So why are you waiting out here?" I asked looking up at her, she was 6'3 I was only 5'7 so she was way taller than me, she smiled down at me "I always wait for the others, we're always together cause some of us used to get bullied, also why do you always come out of the woods-?" She asked and for a moment I froze trying to come up with an excuse "well it's a path to the school from my house, it's really pretty so I go there early in the morning to get here" I said. "Isn't that dangerous?" She asked looking at me confused. "Not really" I said, it was a lie but- oh well. "Huh, well if you say so-" a car pulled up and both Darius and Cole stepped out, Cole seemed a bit less tired but was holding Starbucks in his hand, Darius was walking behind him, "hey Darius! Cole! Over here!" Aspen yelled spotting them. "Hey asp" Darius said "how'd you get rabbit boy to get less tired?" Aspen said with a small smile. "He came to my room after a nightmare and finally took my offer of cuddling him so he feels safer-" Darius said looking at Cole, he was lightly glaring at Aspen "just cause I like carrots doesn't make me a rabbit!" He said before going back to drinking his coffee. "Sure sure" Aspen said as Carly showed up "heyoooo!" She called out while walking to us, "hey Carly, how was your night?" Cole asked smiling at her. "Good!" She responded, she was beaming "I did some research last night but I couldn't find anything about the school being built on a grave yard or anything " she continued. "Weird, usually there's a reason for ghosts and stuff, but apparently from what I know this ghost randomly popped up?" I said trying to think, my thoughts however trailed off to Cyrus. None of my answers got answered and it was starting to get me a bit pissed off, my thoughts got cut off as a bus arrived and Keith walked out. "Weird- he hates using the bus-" aspen said before Darius continued "and he looks tired, badly tired." Keith went to us not saying much "Keith? What's wrong are you okay?" Cole asked worriedly. Keith just responded with a small nod and looked at me in the eyes and at aspen before looking down. 'What was the look for' I questioned in my head before Keith just went inside. My senses where screaming for me to do something but aspen held me back "give him a bit.. we can ask during lunch.." she said, her voice sounded worried and I was getting anxiety thinking about every possible reason he looked at me that way, he seemed almost like he knew something.

♥️aspens pov♥️

Rylees stiff, I was confused on the look I got from Keith but I looked down at Rylee, 'why'd she get that look? Why is she stiff' I questioned in my head but just decided to let it go, I'm guessing Keith had a bad night last night and was just not wanting to talk about it, it was rare for him to be this way but it seemed reasonable for someone who got effected by the 'ghost' or whatever it was, he still had some bandages on him from before but he seemed a bit better, we all walked inside and went to our classes, they dragged on for awhile before finally it was time to get some food, i sat at our usual table, Carly rushed there followed by Rylee, Keith sat down infront of us Rylee was next to me while Darius waited for Cole to get his coffee, the kid definitely has a addiction- but we love him anyway. Keith wasn't looking at anyone and was still quiet so I finally spoke up "Keith are you okay? You've been avoiding talking to any of us.. what happened..?" I asked genuinely concerned as Darius and Cole sat down. "I'm fine, I just.. had a rough night and some bad nightmares.. it's been on my mind and I don't know how to process it.." he said finally. "I saw Rylee and you.. but you two looked different.. and it's making me question shit at this point, Rylee had her mask off and she had this.. tail? It was like a allium kinda shape on the end and-" Rylee cut in "well I don't have a tail that's for sure where would I hide it" which was a good point "yeah.. maybe this was just a bad dream.. a lot happened and you said you saw everyone as distorted monsters maybe your minds trying to process it" I suggested. "..maybe.. but then who's Rory.. it's just a person that was with me.. he was dripping with water and had weird gills I think.. he looked our age.. he seemed worried about us and kept apologizing about "last time" I couldn't understand what last time ment.." Keith continued. "Do you think he's our ghost? I mean it disappeared as soon as I think it saw us, maybe it's this Rory kid.." Rylee asked that's when Cyrus showed up. "hey! I saw you guys talkin about something over here, sounds interesting mind if I sit?" He started before Rylee immediately and rudely said "yes we mind you have your own group go to them!" I glared at her "Rylee! No Cyrus youre fine go on and sit we're just taking about some band stuff" I said smiling a bit at Cyrus, he smiled back and sat down, Rylee was just staring at him a bit while we talked, eventually she gave up and leaned on me, as much as she was being a bitch to Cyrus it was kinda nice, she rested on my side for the remainder of lunch and we went to class it was after school and we went to the club room but saw Rylee headed there too and stopped her "before we go in what's with you and Cyrus? I'm confused on why you hate him so much" I asked.
"I don't hate him.. I just don't trust him, something gives me a bad feeling about the guy" she responded looking at me. "Well he seems nice to me so-" I responded, "still, I don't think we should trust him" she said looking up at me "Rylee I'm gonna be honest with you I don't get what's wrong with him-" I said, it was honestly the truth, nothing was off about him, he was just a bit different, I sighed and pat rylees head "look, just try and trust him?" I asked her but she looked away "I can't just do that.. i know something is going on.. so please understand that aspen" Rylee replied with a stern tone. "I understand.." I responded disappointed a bit as we went into the club room, Keith was asleep at the table, Carly had put a jacket over him to keep him warm, we all cared about him a lot. He's basically the dad of the group always protective and taking care of us, this time he needs us though.. Cole had set a cup of coffee next to him for whenever he woke up, Darius was sitting next to him to make sure he was able to keep him from getting hurt like last time. Rylee sat down in a bean bag, Carly went to her and sat with her keeping her company and I went to Cole, the kid kept glancing at Darius and Keith seeming worried something would happen again. "Cole try to relax okay..? You're being paranoid just take some deep breaths.. nothings gonna happen I promise" I said softly, the kid was like my little brother so I couldn't help but act him like he really was. He was 18 so a year younger than me and most of the others, Carly was his age too and from her looks so was Rylee maybe? Honestly I couldn't tell what age she was- but I didn't know how to actually ask her about that- I sighed a bit and sat with Cole, he took some deep breaths and then he looked at me and smiled a little, Darius had gotten up and was sneaking behind him to do his scaring Cole shit- he suddenly grabbed Cole's shoulders making Cole jump, Darius chuckled and hugged Cole, "asshole!" Cole said scolding Darius for scaring him like that, I couldn't help but chuckle. Rylee was sitting in the beanbag still, she was messing with my electric guitar, the string had broke last time I played it which was last night before bed, I brought it to fix the string then everything happened- she was repairing the string and re-tuning it, I smiled a bit and sat with her, she was to distracted to notice. She tried the string and tightened the string more trying it out and smiled, trying a small tune with it as I leaned on her shoulder, she glanced at me and looked back at the guitar as she played "how does it sound?" She asked. "Sounds much better honestly!" I responded with a smile. Rylee smiled back and handed me the guitar, I held the guitar and tried some of the strings playing rises the moon quietly before stopping and patting Rylee on the head. "Aspen? Do you believe in creatures? Like skinwalkers and things like that? Weird question I know- but I'm curious, obviously we've seen ghosts but I mean other things" Rylee asked quietly "good question- yes I believe there are creatures beyond this realm, would I like to meet one? Nah- honestly no-" I responded. "What if they were.. nice.. somewhat..? Who's to say you haven't already met one..?" She looked at me dead in the eyes- creepy- "don't say stuff like that man- but sure if it's for sure a nice little guy then cool" I said back, why was she asking these things, what the hell was going on then my mind went back to what Keith said before, a dream she had a tail and holes in her face, she came out of the woods everyday, she looked off and was nervous when I asked, now this.. "Rylee do you know what Keith was talking about earlier" I asked, I knew everyone else was distracted but that didn't change that she was listening and I needed answers but she shook her head, "words and look me in the eye" she looked me in the eyes and took a moment "meet me outside the school tonight at midnight I'll show you something" she said looking away before getting up, "hey guys imma head out make sure Keith gets rest I gotta do something" she smiled and left

DUDES IM SO SORRY I STOPPED MAKING THE CHAPTERS- I lost so much motivation but it's here now for yall! This was a calmer one cause well things are gonna get ROUGH- sooner or later- um- anyway I'll make the new characters info stuff eventually but I gotta make Cyrus in Gacha- aswell as OTHERS- but yeah- anyway drink water and eat you idiot children then sit tight I'll be working on chapters for yall!

Btw who's your favorite character so far! You can pick more than one ^^ put them here ——>

Yes I'm stalling for 2000 words- uhh- again I like any ideas, comments, fanart, anything ^^ just give credit!! Who knows what I have planned for this little project at this point- uh- if you make something just message me! I love seeing people like my stuff!

Okay- 2012 words! bye!

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