I- home

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"I'll be leaving for work now." Lucius said, swiping his car keys off the counter before turning to (Y/n) with a friendly smile. "Do you remember how to use the talkie?"

(Y/n) glanced down at the talkie walkie on the kitchen table. Lucius had brought these home yesterday night for them to communicate during his work hours in case (Y/n) had any issues at all around the house, or another migraine. It had been a week already since (Y/n) had woken up in this house, and although her headaches had been getting better, Lucius still feared they'd come back.

Migraines were normal in cases of memory loss, that's what Lucius had told her, an information that echoed something (Y/n) had learned in med school. Not that she had any memory of this part of her life. Lucius had been the one to tell her all he knew about herself, and although (Y/n) was thankful for his efforts, having someone tell you about yourself when you had no idea who you were was kind of uncomfortable.

Still, (Y/n) was glad to know she could rely on Lucius to answer her questions.

According to Lucius, the two of them had met in med school, she wanted to become a nurse and he dropped out after the second year to pursue a science degree. Still, the two of them never stopped talking and even grew closer over time, until finally (Y/n) asked him out during one of their library sessions.

"I'd planned on asking you out already but didn't know how. You ended up beating me to it." Lucius had said with a nostalgic smile, green eyes gentle as he gazed at her.

The two of them had moved in together after graduation and everything had been wonderful, (Y/n) had made it as a nurse and Lucius had made it as a scientist specialized in neurosciences and microbiology. They had been living happily and planning for their future.

Until (Y/n) got sick and everything went downhill. She had to stop working because her illness wouldn't let her, had to stay home to prevent exerting herself, until she was taken to the hospital for different treatments that all failed to heal her. Everyone thought she'd die in her hospital bed.

But she didn't, and there she was, still alive and kicking. She didn't know how this miracle took place, and neither did Lucius apparently.

"But that doesn't matter." Lucius had said with a reassuring smile. "All that matters now, is that you're here and alive."

(Y/n) guessed he was right, she was still breathing and that was what was most important. She should just be thankful that whatever they had tried had finally worked on her and successfully gotten rid of her illness.

Still, even if she was technically healthy now, Lucius had insisted on her staying home and taking it easy for a bit longer, until her memory came back. She was no neuroscientist, but Lucius was and he had told her that it was safer and healthier for her to stay away from external stimuli until she fully recovered her memories. He feared that the outside world would be too overwhelming for her at the moment and would assault her brain with too much information.

"It's best to give your brain the time it needs to recover, so that your memories come back gradually and at a healthy pace. Recovering them too quickly could be violent for you and your nervous system."

That's what Lucius had said. And he was a neuroscientist, so (Y/n) hadn't really questioned his decision. Surely he knew what he was doing by keeping her inside and sheltered from the outside world. Plus, after almost losing the one he loved, it was fair for him to be a bit overprotective of her. Even if (Y/n) had no memories of Lucius, to him she was still the woman he loved.

So she agreed to stay home, trying her best to make herself useful whilst Lucius was at work earning money for the both of them. It wasn't the most fun nor the most stimulating option but (Y/n) still found ways to entertain herself.

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