The best moment in life (Chen x Xiumin)

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Chen sat on the cold concrete steps of the library as he looked up at the dark overcast coming in as he patiently waited for his boyfriend to arrive, he was growing anxious as it has been a hour since he was met to meet him. I really hope it doesn't rain, I should have brought an umbrella with me. Where is he? I promised he would be here! Chen thought to himself as he sat there is silence as he took to watching many people come and go. He turned his attention to his surroundings as he watched the world move around him in the desperation to make time go quicker.

Chen had grown used to waiting for his boyfriend to arrive and would often find himself waiting until his partner remembered to call with another excuse and a string of false promises, it was a neverending cycle of disappointment Chen knew all too well yet was still going through the motions. Chen always found himself clinging onto the slightest piece of hope that his partner would come on time if at all, he clung at the strings that were slowly fraying as their relationship was coming to a hard close yet he tried so desperately to keep them from unraveling. Chen remained sat on the steps of the library as his thoughts began to engulf him, the feeling of hopelessness settling in as he started to question his relationship. The realisation hit him like a ton of bricks as he realised he was in a relationship with a man who simply couldn't be bothered to show up to an event Chen desperately wanted to attend with him and had begged him for weeks on end to see with him, he began to question if his partner even loved him anymore. He was never there, Chen felt alone.

Salty tears threatened to fall as Chen came back to reality and realised that his partner simply wasn't going to come, he was waiting on a man that didn't care about him or his relationship enough to keep his promises. A part of him didn't want to move in fear he would leave and his partner actually turned up, Chen didn't even notice his clothes were soaked from the torrential downpour that rained down onto him. Tears started to flow as he sat there, unable to move as he felt his relationship becoming more and more obsolete as time passed. He felt numb.

He felt a wave of sadness, anger and heartache as he had come to a solid conclusion in his mind. His relationship was well and truly over despite his attempts to keep it steady, his happiness for the event had turned into a sea of misery and pain. He felt numb, he felt empty. Chen sat there contemplating whether he should go home or stay and try to enjoy the event that had started no more than ten minutes ago, he wanted nothing more but to get up and go in and enjoy it but he was unsure if he could enjoy it now. He felt betrayed and angry that his partner couldn't even pick up the phone or send him a text, he left him to wait in the rain.

"Hello! Hey! Are you okay?" A voice called out, he didn't even bother to see if they were talking to him or not.

Suddenly the torrential downpour had stopped assaulting him as Chen looked up, an arm holding an umbrella with cute patterns on it hung over him as a worried man stared down. Chen took a second to look at him, he was a short man with cute puffy cheeks, beautiful hazel eyes with hazel hair to match and singular eyelids. He was gorgeous.

"Hey sir? Are you okay?" The man asked again snapping Chen out of his thoughts, he cleared his throat.

"I'm okay" Chen avoided his gaze.

"Good, are you still waiting for someone?" The man asked him curiously.

"Yes but I don't think he is going to come, oh sorry" Chen answered the phone to his partner, he noticed the man had now sat down on the wet step next to him as he continued to hold the umbrella above them.

"What excuse is it this time?" Chen asked sadly.

"Jongdae. I'm sorry, I just went for a few drinks and completely forgot-"

"I've been here for hours..."

"I'm sorry, I know how important this art thing is to you but I really did forget about it-"

"Are you in a club right now?" Chen asked bluntly, the man looked at him with sadness as he tried to ignore the call he had no right to hear.

"Um...look I will leave and come and get you, I will take you for ice cream and I will book the art thing another day. I promise"

"Stop. Please just stop it, stop making promises you will never keep. I'm not five, I don't need to be taken out for ice cream as you think that will excuse everything. It doesn't. I've been waiting for hours for you, you could have sent a text or something. You've just ruined it, I'm tired of waiting for you every time we try to do something together only to have this exact conversation. It's over, I'm not going to chase someone that doesn't even try anymore. Goodbye" Chen held his tears as he hung up the phone, he had completely forgotten the man holding an umbrella over him.

"I'm sorry you heard all of that, that wasn't fair for you" Chen choked out as the man sat next to him, Chen couldn't see any judgement there.

"It's okay really. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hear your conversation. Here" The man spoke softly as he handed him a tissue, Chen took it and thanked him.

"It's was going to happen at some point, I guess I will be going home now. Thank you" Chen starts to get ready to stand.

"Oh are you not coming in?" The man questioned, a hint of sadness laced in his voice.

"Ah no, my now ex has the tickets anyway. Thank you for the help though, I appreciate it"  Chen bowed although he watched the man graceful take his hand.

"Please come in with me, I have a spare ticket and I feel slightly anxious about going in there alone. Plus it means you can dry off as you're soaked, so please accompany me" the man smiled gently as he gently gripped Chen's hand, Chen looked at him as he started to guide Chen up the steps.

"Jongdae, right?" The man asked.

"Ah yes but most people call me Chen, um what's your name?" Chen asked the man as he was guided up the steps towards the library.

"Ah my name is Kim Minseok" The man answered, Chen stared at him in shock. He stopped briefly.

"Wait as in the artist? Your meant to be in there right now! What are you doing out here?" Chen gasped.

"Um don't take it weirdly but I have been watching you sit on the steps for a while and I grew worried about you when the rain started as you were sat there for two hours already...I came out because I didn't like the thought of you being out here during an outpour as you could get sick"

"Oh, well thank you for the help. I appreciate it" Chen stuttered out as he felt his cheeks turn a bright shade of red, the thought of Kim Minseok worrying about him made him blushing.

"So Chen, who's your favourite artist?"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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