C11 | "Um..."

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"So your telling me you took her home fucked her, found out they you didn't just need to fuck her but just might be in love with the chick, continued to take her to your very own bar once a week, every week for a 2 months straight and haven't once taken her to 1 sophisticated dinner date?"
Melissa was ranting to me, in my bed while I sat in a chair opposite from the bed. She was telling how I'm fucking this whole thing up.

"Well when you put like that, it sounds bad" "Doesn't matter if I said the situation in Italian Kai, this? This is bad" She laughed, I gave her a stern look as she laughed at my problems. "You have no one to blame but yourself" She shrugged "Well what do you say I do, hm?" I raised an eyebrow. "Kylie, I pretty much said what you have to do in my little rant, you take her out to a nice expensive restaurant and get to know her, on a personal level. Listen you were kept making an excuse that you just needed to fuck her brains out and then that would solved it and now your sat in your room with her running circles round you in your brain, she brought you to bed and kept you in bed for 10hours straight, tell me the last time the happened" She looked at with a face, I knew that face, it was 'I'm right and you can't prove fuck all', I loathed that face. "She has a clear effect on you Kai" "Yeah but I don't like the effect" "What, love?" Melissa giggled. "Yes, I can't fall in love" "Why can't you?!" She persisted. "Because of who I am, because of my line of work Lisa, I don't have time for the dates, for the movie days, I don't have that type of attention, and what if, what if something happens and we get ambushed? I'm putting Camilla's life in jeopardy for what?! So I can hug her while I sleep?"

I huffed and left the room feeling myself get worked up. Over a girl, over Camilla. I heard Melissa walk behind me. "It's not worth the agro Lisa" "But you have to let yourself live!" Melissa almost pleaded, she grabbed my arm and turned me around. "You are a human Kai, a real fucking human, and though you don't show them you have feelings, and you have desires and needs, and right now from what I can see this girl is need that your almost limiting yourself from!" She looked at me with exhaustion. "But-" "But nothing" She looked at me that face again, I raised my index finger at her "You are-" I was cut of by my own laughter. "You are...so right Melissa? I know Kylie don't worry" She said mimicking a conversation with me as she hugged me. "Aww get off me" I said sounding disgusted but I just felt Melissa vibrate with laughter on me.

"Get back to work you bum" I looked at Melissa as she rolled her eyes and walked off. I walked over to my office and began looking up restaurants. I found the perfect one.


"And she hasn't asked you out or, nothing?" "Nope"
I said biting into my sandwich with Jaime next to me, I was finally on my break and we were on about how I made my move on the dress up party in the club the other month and since, Kylie hasn't even invited me back to her house. "She's probably scared or something" I said rolling my eyes as I took another bite into my sandwich. "Or your bad at sex" "Oh cheers asshole" I said kicking him under the table.
"I mean she hasn't mentioned anything to me and we meet up almost every morning, but then again she could be talking to her childhood best friend because she doesn't trust me anymore...because I squealed about her having a crush on you"
I ate and contemplated what Jaime said..maybe she was planning something...or lost, feelings.
"Camilla, back to work!"I huff and chuck down my sandwich at the sound of my bosses low and grating voice."I'm this close to slitting that guys throat I swear" I said closing away the rest of my sandwich and saying good bye to Jaime.


I walk out of the cafe and lock up to see Kylie leaning against her Lamborghini URUS with her arms folded against her chest. "Hey darling" she smiles as I melt at her words, she opens the door and I get in.
The car ride was quieter than usual and I had a very anxious and tense vibe coming off Kylie. She rubbed her thighs intensely and gripped the steering wheel under her knuckles went white.
We arrive at my house. "Um.." Kylie begins.
I look at her with a gentle smile ready for her to carry on. "So i was wondering...like if your free or whenever your next day off is...like if you wanted to go on a..a date with...with me?" I laughed at her nervous expression, she was always so confident and cocky, smooth. So smooth, but now she's a mess. "Yes Kylie, I would love to go one a date with you" I smiled warmly and patted her shoulder as I got out the car. "You'll text me the info?" I said leaning on her window frame.
"Of course.." She says with a smirk, we say our good byes and as my door shuts I hear her car zoom off.

Word count= 980

Hey guys! Long time no see, thanks so much for 100 reads! I'm hopefully going to be posting more often :)
Anyway hoped you enjoyed the chapter!
Lots of love

-RM 🌷

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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