C10 | "Why don't you come back to bed, hm?"

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I wake up at 1:27am, with Camilla beside me wrapped up.
She was so beautiful, the most precious women I ever seen.
The way her hair fell on her body, almost like an advert.
The way she followed my ever instruction, as if she fell to her knees for me.
I loved it, she was so submissive.
But it wasn't about how much of a mess she was last night.
She was truly gorgeous,she was funny and kind,innocent and way too friendly, she never wanted to hurt a single soul.
And it shows.
I got up and made my way to the shower to clean up with her still lingering around in my mind.


It was 4:04, I had showered,worked out, showered again,had a protein shake, got dressed and was now sat at my desk doing some work.

It was 4:04, I had showered,worked out, showered again,had a protein shake, got dressed and was now sat at my desk doing some work

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My door opened without a knock.
Then there stood a very tired Camilla.
She was wrapped up in my duvet, with disheveled hair.
"What are you doing"
She whispers rubbing her eyes.
I spin round on my chair slowly facing her.
"Working, go back to sleep my love"
"It's 4am, why are you working"
She says with furrowed eyes.
"Because I'm not tired, is that alright with you?"
I smile at her.
She walks over to me and straddles my lap while still naked underneath.
"Why don't you come back to bed, hm?"
She leaves kisses all down my neck.
I tip my head giving her more access.
"Okay let's go"
I breathe, of course I wanted to go another round but I didn't know her limits just yet.
I picked her  up by her thighs as she rested her head on my shoulder and carried her to my room.
I placed her down and then laid down as well.
My hands behind my head, I tried to sleep but I just wasn't tired, I was about to get up when I felt Camilla's head lie on my chest and her leg on mine.
I didn't want to make her anymore awake then what she already was so I stayed still.
The boredom I felt turned into tiredness and with another blink I was asleep.


I wake up not realising I had fallen asleep, Camilla had turn the other side but still very close to me and holding my hand.
I looked to the side to see the sun shining through my black curtains.
I looked to my bedside table with my clock on to expect it to be 7am- 2pm?!
I calculated how many hours I slept, I slept 10 whole fucking hours.
I never usually slept like this.
Of course I would sleep but they wouldn't be good hours.
I would think that I'm not tired so I would sit on my couch and watch TV only for me to fall asleep.
But I would only  sleep for 1hr 30mins and then I would wake up cause I'm thirsty or I need to go to the toilet and I would think I'm not tired anymore.
I would sit on the couch and watch TV and then fall asleep.
And it just becomes a vicious cycle.
But 10 whole hours, straight?
Felt weird..
I whisper trying to wake her up gently.
I say lightly jolting her.
"It's 2pm you gotta wake up"
"2pm..? 2PM?!"
She quickly snaps up and wriggles out of bed.
She hops over to my side of the bed turns around and puts her underwear on.
She lets go of the duvet and runs back round to her side of the bed and puts on her dress while muttering stuff to herself, I just sit on the bed and watch.
"Where's my phone...where's my phoneee"
She looks under the bed and around where she slept.
"Have you seen my phone?!"
She asked urgently,while tying up her hair into a high ponytail.
"Downstairs next to the couch on the floor"
I answer.
"I'm so fucked!!"
I walk at a normal pace behind her.
"Why?, I'll tell you why, cause my boss is a dick, if you don't come in within the 30 minutes of your shift without calling in sick or stating the reason why your late then, you get a warning and less money that month, and I seriously can't afford that"
"I can pay you back double the money to you"
She stands there lost for words while I shrug my shoulders not bothered by the amount.
"No no, don't do that, this is my fault I should have been more responsible"
She places the phone to her ear.
"Hello?, hi Logan, I'm so sorry I couldn't call you I'm so ill I'm in the hospital"
She puts on a slow and low croaky voice.
"I promise to be in tomorrow, I will open up and close up to just please don't deduct my pay"
I stand there hoping that this boss of hers will take pity on Camilla.
"Yep, okay I understand"
I hear a sigh of frustration come from Camilla.
"Okay yep, bye"
She puts down the phone and sighs, she then looks at me and smiles.
"It's being deducted"
"Don't stress, I got you"
"Please don't you'll make me feel bad,please"
I was giving her the money, don't worry.
"Thanks of letting me stay and run round your beautiful house"
She laughs.
"I'll drop you home"
I smile pulling my keys out of my pocket.
"Oh no, that's not necessary I'll walk to the train station, it's not far"
"It's not far?!, that's like a whole fucking mile"
She shrugs her shoulders.
"Meh that's nothing"
"No, I'm driving you"
I look at her and raise my eyebrow.
She looks down at her shoes and follows on behind me.


I avoid going to her house and take her a MacDonalds knowing that she's gunna need to eat since she hasn't all day to day.
"What are you doing?"
"You need to eat"
"But I got food at home"
"This is quicker"
"This is also expensive"
She furrows her eyebrows.
"A macdonalds?"
"Yeah it's like £7 for a burger"
"What's your point?"
"Point is I don't want you spending £7 on me for some burger when I could eat for free at home"
I ignore her and continue through the drive.
I hand her the food while she unwraps it slowly.
"This really isn't needed"
She mumbles.
"Shut up, and eat"
"Oh my god"
I hear coming from her food filled mouth.
"You know I haven't had these since I was like 17"
I laugh.
"Because the south side of life ain't like the north"
She laughs practically inhaling the food, I sit there feeling bad as if it's my fault for letting her get to this type of financial situation.


We arrive at her house and she gets out the car and leans on my window frame.
She was rambling on about something but I just couldn't stop looking at her boobs, they were right there hanging low, I just couldn't help myself.
"Oi, my eyes are up here bud"
I snap my neck with a smirk.
"What was the last thing I said?"
"You liked the burger.???"
I say smiling like a little kid.
"I'll know to cover up next time"
We laugh.
"Anyway thanks for everything"
"Tomorrow after work I'm getting you yeah?"
She walks up to her door and shouts.
"I'll be waiting"
I watch her walk in and then drive off with a smile on my face.
I drove home, opened my door and then just slumped on my sofa, it wasn't that I needed to fuck her, I think it was more.
And it scared me.

Word count=1366

Hey guys, 2 chapters in 2 days, that's gotta be a record for me 💀
I notice that my first chapter has almost got 40 reads and then as you go down through the chapters the reads become less :(
Please keep reading I promise it will get good!
Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Lots of love


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