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I'd be lying if I said I moved on. I'd be lying if I said I don't think about him every single moment I'm alone. I'd be lying if I said I didn't wanna lay at his grave and just stay there forever. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want him back in my arms.

But I would also be lying if I said I hadn't met anyone else. I have, and he's great. He knows about Keaton and he knows that I will never get over it. He understands and he's always there. But I don't love him like I loved Keaton. I will never love anyone like I loved Keaton. He was my first love, my first hero, and my first light.

After he died, everything went down hill. My parents began to fight, a lot. I thought maybe they always had fought, but I was so in love with Keaton that all the negative things were oblivious to me. But that wasn't the case. My dad had cheated on my mom.

The fighting was almost unbearable that I was going to ask to live with Keaton's parents. But I didn't, I couldn't. There was too much of him around, I couldn't bear even going around that house once he died.

So, I didn't. When I hit 19, I left for the big city of Las Angeles. I got a small job that turned into a pretty amazing job with quite a lot of money and benefits. Met this really awesome guy named Michael, and it all seemed great, looking at it with a blind eye.

But I never shook the feeling of what Keaton said before he died. "Ben needs someone to tell him how awesome his big brother was". I didn't break my promise of staying strong, but I always felt guilty of not actually telling Ben about his brother.

It's been 10 years since Keaton died. No, I'm not married, No, I don't have kids. Yes, I'm still dating Michael but no, we aren't engaged. I wish I could say I'm not the marrying type, but that'd be a lie. It's just, Michael isn't the marrying type, and he's made that clear.

So, right now, I'm on my way back to my home town. Back to the memories, the pain, the people, my family, Ben. I see the town sign and slightly smile. I'm home, even if it does look the same as it did 10 years ago.

I stop for gas at a small run down place called "Pump And Go". It kinda sounds like something people would call a one night stand. Get it? Probably not.

I get out of my car and go inside to pay. "Jarod Napier!", The woman behind the counter says. "My, my! I haven't seen you since you were mear a teen! Well, how have ya been?", she asks politely. I give her a small smile.

"Just fine, thank you", I reply. I tell her what pump I want and and hand her the money before she can say anything else. I rush out of there and go back to my car. I pump my gas quicky (Dammit that sounds really bad) then get back inside and drive away.

I contemplate where I wanna go first. My families, or Keaton's. I finally make my decision and pull into the rich people part of town. I find my home quickly and park. I get out and go up to the door.

My mother comes to the door wearing her fancy dress and her fancy pearls around her neck. She gasps when she sees me and hugs me closely. "My baby boy", she coos. I hug her back tighty and close my eyes.

"Hi mommy", I whisper. She let's me go and pulls me inside. We talk for what seems like hours, but in all honesty it was only a couple of hours. After we do talk about everything under the sun, we big our goodbyes and I make my way to the Judson's.

I arrive and park, then slowly go up to the door of the small trailer. I hear laughter coming from the inside and smile to myself. I think Ben is the true hero in our situation. I knock on the door. I'm greeted by a short boy with curly brown hair.

"Hi, I'm Jarod", I greet happily. Mrs. Judson walks slowly up to the door behind her mom. "Good to see you again, Mrs. Judson". She gives me a smile and I know she is too shocked to say anything.

"Well, this is weird. Um, Jarod, would you like to come in?", Ben asks. I laugh lightly and nod my head. I enter there home and they shut the door. "Please, take a seat". I smile and sit down on the couch. Ben is already just like his brother.

"Water, anyone?", Keaton's mom asks. I shake my head and she nods, then sits down beside me. This is more awkward than anything. I'm starting to regret coming, until Ben picks up a small picture from behind him, then hands it to me.

I look at it and see that's it's Keaton and I. I'm holding him close by his waist and we both have a smile on. We both looks so happy, so in love. "That's you..with my brother, right?", Ben asks. I don't look up at him, I just nod. "My mom always told me you'd come back, to tell me how he was".

"He was everything Ben", I say, laughing a bit. "He had these eyes that could make you as calm as a sleeping child. A smile that sent butterflies erupting in your stomach. A voice that made your whole body melt. A heart that could make even the most rotted thing golden".

"My momma tells me he was always positive, always making other people happy. Never caring what someone else thought", Ben says. I nod my head, wiping a tear that had fallen. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry".

I shake my head. "I just miss him, so much", I say. Ben nods his head. "I know you do too, even though you can't remember him. Oh you would have loved him. He loved you so much. He was so proud of his baby brother. You remind me of him, ya know?". His face lights up.

"Really?", he asks.

"Yeah, the way you took control of the stranger at your door when your mother couldn't say anything. At that moment, I saw Keaton in you", I reply. He smiles brightly. "I know Keaton would have been so proud of you, of all of you", I look up at Mrs. Judson, whom is wiping tears. She nods her head.

We talk like this for a long time. Ben listening to my stories in awe as I talk about his older brother. At one point.. I could hear Keaton's laugh in Ben's. I knew that Ben wanted to know the most about his brother, so I told him.

At each pause, when I got really sad, I could feel Keaton in the room. And I knew I wasn't alone. I would never be alone.

A/N: I cried at 3 different spots and I'm a wreck. I wanna say sorry for killing Keaton, but I'm kinda proud of how it turned out. Again, I love you guys so much and thanks for reading.

Peace out baby boo's.

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