Flash back...

7 0 0

They are at Butters house in her room about to go to bed....

Flower- Hey can you turn off the light I'm getting a little tired
Butter- Of course bae

Butter then gets up to turn off the room lights and then gets back in bed to head on her phone but flower was sleeping!

Butter- Bae you sleep?
Butter-I'll just text her...

Butter then texts flower saying "The other half of my bisexual wants to cuddle rn"
Flower then checks her phone..

Flower-* Laughs* Bae are you serious you can just cuddle if you want I'm not sleeping I just zoned out for a sec
Butter- You wouldn't respond so l thought I would text you...
Flower -You are hilariously beautiful you know that
Butter- I know ~blushes~

Butter then becomes the big spoon in there cuddling since she is taller and it just makes sense....


Back to the present time

Butter- Bae I just thought about that time when I texted you to cuddle why, well I still don't know...
Flower-Not that I'm not listening to you but can we cuddle again I'm a little tired right now
Butter-Of course bae you I don't really care what we do as long as you're happy~

They then move to the frame of the bed once again

Flower- Now speaking of thoughts I was thinking about your birthday party and how you didn't talk to me that much...
Butter-I actually did thank you very much


The scene is right outside of Butters's house in her front yard..

Flower-O0 is Soda here yet *wink* he is your future man's
Butter- Yes Soda is here and no he's not my future man's cause your my future woman...
Butter- Oh look Daisy's here *points at Daisy's car*
Flower-Wait but what did you just say?

Daisy gets out of her new car waving at Butter and Flower

Butter- Oooo like the new car it's nice as hell
Daisy- Aww thanks it was only ten grand
Flower- Ten what?!?!
Butter-Ten grand honey it's ok we know you can't comprehend that..
Flower- F U
Daisy-Has anyone seen Soda?
Flower- Yeah he's inside with everyone else according to his wife here*wink*
Daisy-Umm Flower there not even dat-
All of them- SODA!


Butter- It was just that we weren't even dating and I wasn't sure if you into girls at the time...
Flower- Nah it's not on you I still thought Soda was straight at that time...
Butter-Oooo look the sky is pretty tonight*points*

They both look out the huge hotel room window..

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