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The group of Jedi, officers, and troopers finally arrived and stopped at the edge of the city of Azylor, surveying the desolate panorama around them. The buildings were in ruins, the streets littered with rubble, and the air was heavy with the smell of smoke and destruction. As the officers dispersed to interview the civilians, the Jedi focused on surveying the surroundings, using the Force to search for any traces of the Xyrklyans.

—Master Thorne, the devastation here is considerable—, Nia Drayen remarked, her voice heavy with concern as she examined a ruined house.

—Yes, Nia. We must find any clues that lead us to those responsible—, Kael Thorne replied, his eyes racing over the scene with intensity.

Civilians, still reeling from the recent attack, offered little useful information. Many had fled or gone into hiding during the assault, and their story versions were fragmentary. However, the description of the creatures they attacked matched the appearance of the Xyrklyans, tall, imposing, and dark-skinned.

Liora Halcyon, meanwhile, was talking to a group of citizens when a child shyly approached her. The boy, with torn clothes and a dirty face, looked at Liora with big, frightened eyes. —Mrs. Jedi, I... I saw those creatures. They went over there—, the boy said, pointing with his small hand in a specific direction.

Liora bent down to be at the boy's level, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. —Are you sure, little one? Do you remember anything else? — She asked softly.

—Yes, I'm sure. I saw them moving away toward that prairie. They went in that direction—, the boy replied, his voice trembling slightly.

One of the officers standing nearby, somewhat skeptical, looked in the direction the boy was pointing in and frowned. —Jedi Master, there's nothing in that prairie. It's just an open field. There are no structures or shelters there—, he said doubtfully.

Liora stood up and looked at the officer with determination. —If there's nothing, then there's nothing to lose by going to investigate—, she replied firmly. —Sometimes the most unlikely places hide the most important secrets—. Kael Thorne nodded, approving Liora's suggestion. —Liora is right. We cannot leave any clue uninvestigated. Everyone, on the way to the prairie—, he ordered, his voice firm and authoritative.

The group of Jedi, followed by the officers and soldiers, began to advance in the direction indicated by the boy. The march was swift and determined, with the Jedi leading the way. The air was tense with anticipation of what they might find.

As they walked, Elara Venn looked around, trying to sense any disturbance in the Force. —Something tells me that we are not alone in this. We must be prepared for anything—, she said, her voice barely a whisper, but loud enough for her fellow Jedi to hear. Thal Korvan, walking beside her, nodded in agreement. —We are always prepared, Master Venn. But this time, we need to be even more cautious. These Xyrklyans are no ordinary foe—, he said, his hand resting near his lightsaber.

As the Jedi masters made their way toward the prairie, Aiden and Talia's air speeder had just arrived, they noticed their masters in the distance, moving in formation and heading toward some particular point. The landscape was wide and open, with the wind rustling through the tall grasses.

—There they are, Talia. We've found them—, Aiden said, his voice full of determination.

—Come on, we must reach them without being seen—, Talia replied, nervous but determined.

The air speeder slowed down, and Aiden prepared to jump. The FA-6 droid turned its head toward them. —Young people, we have reached your destination. I hope that... — the droid began but was interrupted. —Thank you, FA-6. We get off here! Aiden said hurriedly, jumping off the air speeder.

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