Chapter 3

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When Jimmy saw how nervous Joel was, he internally panik. He made sure to look kalm, or, well, angry. "Um... Sorry, Jimmy. I-l'll go back to Stratos," Joel stuttered. He turned and flew away.

With out checking to see if Joel had really left, Jimmy scooped up Norman in his arms and ran into his house. He placed Norman on his bed and faced his mirror.

His fear was reality. He watched in horror as some of his hair turned back to blond, but not all of it, leaving a small stripe. "CRAP!" he yelled. "Whats the big deal?" Norman meowed. Dont ask why the cat can talk. I dont know ether and I'm writing the thing. "The big deal is Joel saw my hair change. And he'll probably be curious, research, and find out what I am!" Jimmy explained.

"And thats a big deeeal, why exactly?" Norman asked. "It's a big deal because normally people don't exactly accept what I am in human, or well, society in general," The Sheriff explained. "And if he tells others, well..." Jimmy trailed off.

"What if, just putting this out there," Norman meowed, "we murder him in his sleep?" "NORMAN!" Jimmy exclaimed, horrified. "OKAY! Okay, never mind." Jimmy sighed. "Hey, how's about we go for daily rounds again to cool this off?" Norman suggested. "Yeah, thats a good idea," The Sheriff sighed. Jimmy and his deputy waltzed out of their house, unaware that someone had heard the whole thing.

Scott was confused on what he just witnessed. What was Jimmy and Norman talking about? Scott haddent seen what Joel had done, but he heard Jimmy and his cat talking about Joel seeing something Jimmy did. Your probably wondering why Scott understands cat. The reason is Lizzy taught the other empires members. 

Scott thought about asking Jimmy what that was about, but he didn't want Jimmy to be angry at him for eavesdropping. Just realizing this now but why does eavesdropping have a 'V' in it?

Scott decided to ask Joel about it instead. He flew over to Stratos and found Joel on one of the floating islands. "Hey, Joel." Scott said, waving his hand. Joel jumped when he spoke, then replied, "Hey, Scott!" "What are you doing?" Scott asked. 

Joel had a potion book in his lap. "Making a potion." He answered. "Why?" Scott asked. "Well, Im gonna call everyone over to Tumble town and throw this" He motion to the potion he was making, "On Woody, proving that he is a toy." Joel explained. 

"So, thats a reveal potion?" Scott asked. "Yup!" Joel said enthusiastically. "And its almost done!" Scott remembered what he had just witnessed a few minutes ago. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Scott asked. "Yeah! Of course." Scott gave him a look. "Why?"

 Scott and Joel had a mini staring competition which Scott won, so Joel explained, "I had an... odd encounter with Jimmy. And it got me thinking. What exactly is he? And even if this potion doesent shrink him or something, then maybe it could give me some answers." 

 "You probably shouldent do this." Scott said, "Curiosity killed the cat." "Buuut, I'm not a cat, so I'll be fine," Joel responded. "The potions done anyways. So, it doesent matter. Your not gonna change my mind." Scott rolled his eyes, but secretly prayed that what Jimmy actually was wasent as bad as he made it sound.


YAY! Done! I just stretched my fingers out and they cracked.

 Hope yall enjoyed this chapter!!

Word count-563

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