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"Look at them all!" Luffy shouts in excitement, staring with wonder around the incredibly busy ship yard.

"How much do these even cost?" Zoro inquires, one hand on his sword and the other still loosely gripping Raena's hand.

"If you have to ask, you can't afford it." Nami comments.

"Ok, we need to get one with a very, very impressive figurehead. At least two... no three masts! And a really high crow's nest."

"And a shower!" Raena adds, from behind them.

"We are not gonna be able to sail a ship anywhere near that size. There's only four of us."

"Four of us right now." Luffy emphasizes, Zoro and Raena sharing a glance at the two bickering in front of them.

"Well unless you can find another weird, desperate soul to help us."

"Speak for youself." Zoro says, ducking his head underneath a post and tugging Raena along with him.

"Yeah, i'm not weird or desperate."

Nami whips her head to look at Raena, "You have magic powers that can make you fly and shoot energy. You're definitely not normal."

Raena pouts, turning her head to the side. "That's fair."

"Listen, we are going to need something a little less flashy if we want to sneak out of here."

"Or we can just get the ship that Luffy wants and I can just, you know... do my thing?"

"Wait, you want to steal a ship?"

"It won't be stealing if they don't remember it." Raena mutters to herself.

Nami scoffs and crosses her arms, "How else did you expect us to get one?"

"I don't know." Luffy shrugs his shoulders, "But we can't steal one."

"What kind of pirate are you?"

"A ship is not just a ship. It's a part of our crew. We need to find the perfect one. And we're gonna get it the right way."

"Ok, pitch that to the salesman. I'm sure that will win him over."

Luffy smiles, "Exactly."

Raena lets out a soft chuckle at Luffy's happy-go-lucky attitude as the boy walks away to find a ship.

"So what're we actually gonna do?" Zoro asks from beside Raena.

"Find a ship and see how lax the security is around here. If it's too populated, Scarlet will do her thing."

"Got it." Raena and Zoro voice, following Nami as they walk around the docks.

Raena removes her hand from Zoro's, the swordsman looking at her in confusion. "I'm going to go find Luffy. Make sure he doesn't do anything that'll get us caught." Raena walks away from the two, slightly breaking down the shield in her mind so she can find Luffy by listening to his thoughts.

What Raena does not see is Zoro attempting to follow after her. Nami pulls him back, "Relax. She'll be fine."

Raena finally spots Luffy speaking to... a salesman? Her neck cranes upward as she gets a good look at the ship that Luffy found and she can't help but to admit that the ship is beautiful. The ship has a massive sheep figurehead with intricate wood work around the entire boat.

"Wow! Luffy, you have great taste!" Raena nudges Luffy's shoulder while he grins over at her.

"Hi, i'm Scarlet." Raena waves to the salesman and he waves back to her.

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