why am I actually about to cry over this

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okay so OC yip yapping time

I have an OC (Vera) whose married to Artie's OC (Claud) whose fc is Ryan Gosling and Vera's current fc is Erin Cahill but I'm changing that cause there's only so many good pictures of her and it's a cross between Rachel McAdams and Margot Robbie because they're both in movies with Ryan Gosling

Rachel's a good fc but there's only so many good pictures of her and Ryan because the notebook is fucking twenty years old and also takes place in the forties but there are more pictures of her with darker hair and Vera's a brunette

but then there's Margot Robbie and the pictures of her and Ryan are better quality cause the Barbie movie is only a year old and doesn't take place in the forties but again Margot's a blonde and maybe I could imagine Vera as a blonde but idk

tbh I'm probably gonna go with Margot but again idk I'm losing my mind someone please shoot me please

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