destiel in hell

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(context: until I watch the actual show, in my head, how Dean and Castiel meet is Dean's in hell and Castiel's just like "hey babygirl wanna get out of here" so they told me to write this so here's this copy and pasted from google docs I apologize in advance)

Dean was sitting in hell busy being in hell doing whatever you do in hell idk I've never been. He was being sad about his dead parents and the fact that his brother was an ugly dumbass or something I haven't seen the show yet I have like sixteen more seasons of power rangers to get through.

He was so sad about the fact that he was so sad. He was so scared about the fate of his impala. Would his darling impala be okay? What about the newly legal cheerleaders? Were they okay? He's not a creep at all btw. He went back to being sad about his shitty impala car.

Dean then looked up and saw a blinding white light and there was a faggoty twink angel in a trenchcoat for some reason. He held out his hand. "Hey, babygirl," He said. "Wanna get out of here?" They then proceeded to get out of there and Cas fought some demons while holding Dean like a pretty princess cause that's how all 6'0+ men with deep voices deserve to be treated. They then got out of hell. "W-w-w-wow!" Dean said. "Y-y-y-you saved me!"

"I did," Cas confirmed, looking at Dean with his autistic eyes. "I did that because I love you."

They then embarked on a steamy night of passion and Castiel gripped Dean tight and raised him from perdition and this is exactly how the scene goes until I watch the show.

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