Part 1

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Milo (Male)
Sam (Male)
Navy (Female)
Will (Male)
Ollie (Male)
Rosa (Female)
Izz (Female)

CREDITS: Total drama, Disaventure camp


"Welcome to Camp Evergreen! I'm your host Savi and this is my co host Ann!" Savi says with a bright smile. "Hello everyone! We will now make the teams!!" Ann says. She begins to pick the teams at random. "Milo, Sam, Navy and Donna, you guys are team Yellow!" Ann announces. Savi follows up with the next team. "Will, Ollie, Rosa and Izz, you guys are on Red team!!" Savi follows up.


"I will give you a bit to get your stuff all set, but don't get too comfortable!! The first challenge starts soon" Savi smirks before walking away along side Ann.

Each team walked into their assigned cabin. They picked beds and started some small talk but nothing much. Soon after a loud buzzer noise rings. They could hear Ann's voice saying something about a challenge. Everyone had to meet near the campsite.

Once they got there Savi started to explain the challenge. "Hello again! I hope you guys are comfortable enough because we are doing a spicy challenge" she said with a devilish smile. "First challenge is kiss or punish, you must kiss someone from the wheel of punishments" she laughed in a suspicious tone. "Uh, Savi, isn't this like one of the challenges in Disventure camp?" Navy asked with a questioning look on her face. That same look appeared on everyone's faces. "What? No way, I changed it up so technically it's not" Savi shrugged. "Whatever. Let's just do this stupid challenge." Izz spoke.


"Anyways, let's see who is up first...!" Ann says as she spins the wheel. "Looks like itssss" she paused, "Will and Rosa!" She smirk softly. "Will you kiss each other or get punished?" Savi says excitedly. "Ew, I hate that girl" Will says. "We didn't even talk?! Whatever. I hate you too" Rosa says back. "Oh my, so is it punish then?" Savi says. They both nod. Ann spins the punishment wheel and it lands on a...questionable one. "You guys punishment is to wear high heels for this whole challenge" Ann says with a false chuckle. "DUDE, I CANT WALK IN THESE" Will says angrily. "I HATE HIGH HEELS" Rosa says while putting them on. "That's a lovely reaction! Let's spin for the next kissers or 'test subjects'" Savi joked. She spun the wheel and it landed on Sam and Milo. "Hmm, looks like itttsss...Sam and Milo!" Milo gets this shocked look on his face but doesn't speak a word. Sam looked at Milo, he could tell he was nervous but also he didn't want a punishment. Without another thought Sam kisses Milo. "Woah" Milo thought. He never had a guy kiss him, it felt...good in a way. Hmm... Milo's thoughts got cut off by Sam. "Uh...sorry Milo, it's part of the game, ha!" Sam said while sitting down. "All good, I understand" Milo said with a sweet smile on his face. "Do you maybe, want to hang out after the challenges" Sam offers. "I would love that" Milo says while watching the next people head up. "Let's see who's next..." Ann says excitedly and spins the wheel. "Navy and Ollie" Savi says cutting off Ann. Ann rolled her eyes but didn't really care. "Oh hell no, I'm not doing any punishment" Ollie protested. Ollie kisses Navy quickly and wipes her mouth afterwards. "I'm glad that's over" Navy says. "Same here" Ollie says. "That was so boring..." Savi rolls her eyes. "Let's see who's next..." Savi continues as she spins the wheel. "Ooo, Donna and Izz!". Izz shrugs, "you look hot, I'd kiss you" she winks and kisses Donna. Donna got a huge giddy smile on her face. "I fucking love women" she mumbles as she kisses Izz again. Izz looked shocked but kisses her back happily. "Ew, I'm calling it quits here, everyone is safe" Savi says and Ann sticks out her tongue and walks away. Savi shrugs and follows her back to there hut.


"Shall we go somewhere to chill?" Sam said in a giddy tone. He finally had talked to someone, he hated people so this was huge. Milo nods, him and Sam go to the dock. "Sooo I might of seen your skateboard in the cabin. Do you skate or is it just for decoration?" Milo says curiously. Sam chuckles. "Nah man, I skate, you wanna see some tricks?" Sam says joyfully. "I would love to" Milo says looking at Sam. Sam quickly goes to grab his skateboard. Soon he comes back and gets in a good position and spot. "Ready?" Sam asks. "Ready" Milo replies excitedly. Sam does all of the coolest tricks he knows and perhaps trying to impress him. It was clearly working. "WOAH, YOUR SO COOL" Milo says surprised and giddily. "Thanks!" Sam smiles. "I can teach you how to ride the board right now if you want" Sam says curiously. "YES- yes, yes please" Milo says. Sam let out a soft chuckle as he helps Milo on his skateboard. "AH- I almost fell..." Milo said in a shocked tone. "Yeah, well, that's what happens when it's your first time" Sam smiles. "But here, I will help" he hold Milos hands to steady him. "Thanks man" Milo says as he holds Sam's hands. "His hands are so warm..." Sam thinks. Milo was thinking the same thing, he couldn't say that out loud though! That would be weird, right?


It's been a couple hours, the sun was setting and the sky was turning dark. "We should probably hit the showers" Sam suggests. "I don't know, I don't feel comfortable showering here..." Milo says nervously. "Well, if you want I can maybe guard the shower for for you so no one opens it by accident. I did that to one of my old friends before and it really helped them" Sam replies. Milo gets this wide appreciative smile on his face. "Thank you so much!!" Milo says relieved.


They both walk into the shower rooms, there were people already there so they tired to ignore them. Milo goes in the shower while Sam waits outside. A couple minutes later Sam could hear Milo talking. "Uh, Sam.." Milo says with embarrassment in his voice. "Yes? Are you ok?" Sam responds with a worried tone. "I'm ok but I forgot my shirt.." Milo says quietly. "Just come out without one, I mean, there is only dudes in here" Sam suggests. Milo mumbles a shy sounding laugh. Sam quickly releases that he is not really comfortable doing so, that was okay with him though, he would just have to think. Then, he gets an idea. "Here, take this" Sam says handed him his hoodie that he was wearing earlier. Luckily he had a t-shirt under it. "Oh my gosh thanks so much, I'm so sorry" Milo says relieved. "Anytime and don't be sorry, it happens to the best of us!" Sam smiles.


While that was going on Donna and Izz were talking in there cabin. "Wanna ditch here and go home together? I already hate these people, especially Savi" Izz says with a scoff. "Yeah, I don't need the money anymore, I have you" Donna quotes. They both go up to Savi and talk. Once done they both leave together on a boat back to their homes.


Milo and Sam had just got back to there cabin. It was dark and they could hear bushes and walking nosies. "Sam... I don't feel very safe to sleep here" Milo says to Sam. "Awww, Milo..." Sam mumbles as he walks up to Milo's bed, he sits on the edge. "If you want, we could watch a movie, I mean, they didn't ban laptops" he carries on. "Sure I would love that" Milo says as he smiles. Sam smiles as well, gosh, that smile was so adorable to him. "I will pick the movie" Sam says. "Sure" Milo responds. Sam scrolls through the movies until he spots one, he picks a scary movie. Milo doesn't like scary movies but he doesn't complain just yet, he needs to act cool, well, that what he thought. Sam goes on the bed and sits beside him.


An hour or so into the movie a sudden jump scare pops up on the screen. "AH!-" Milo says while hugging Sam. "Woah" Sam says has he puts his arm around Milo. "You're such a scaredy cat" Sam says. "Yea, I guess I am- I mean- uhhh... no...?" Milo reply's jokingly while giggling. They soon both start to fall asleep together while the movie slowly ends.

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