Chapter 2: The Planet of Nightmares

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Jooheon placed his mask on, ensuring it was securely fastened. He had asked Stella to check the oxygen levels on the Planet of Nightmares beforehand, and she had confirmed that the atmosphere was unsuitable for human respiration. This was a common issue on many planets he visited, though some had stable enough oxygen levels for him to walk around without his mask.

The mask was a marvel of modern technology, designed to provide breathable air in even the most hostile environments. It was lightweight and contoured to fit snugly over his face, with a transparent visor allowing an unobstructed view. The mask was equipped with advanced filtration systems to convert trace amounts of oxygen from the surrounding air, supplemented by small, replaceable oxygen canisters for extended use. It also featured a built-in communication system, allowing Jooheon to stay in contact with Stella and receive real-time updates on his surroundings. The mask's interior was lined with soft, hypoallergenic material to ensure comfort during long missions, and it had an adjustable strap to keep it securely in place.

With his mask on, Jooheon felt a sense of reassurance. He took a deep breath, the filtered air filling his lungs, and prepared to face the challenges that awaited him on the Planet of Nightmares.

As he stepped out of the Aurora, the ground beneath his feet felt soft and spongy, covered in luminescent moss that glowed with an eerie, pale green light. The air was thick with a mist that seemed to cling to his skin, and the shadows around him moved as if they were alive. The landscape was a twisted, surreal version of a forest, with trees that had gnarled, twisted branches reaching out like skeletal hands.

"Stella, keep the ship on standby. I might need a quick escape," Jooheon said, his voice slightly muffled by the mask.

"Understood, Captain. Be careful," Stella replied.

Jooheon took a deep breath, the filtered air from his mask filling his lungs, and began going through the forest. The path ahead was barely visible, obscured by the thick mist and the shifting shadows. Every step he took seemed to echo in the silence, the sound amplified by the creepy stillness of the planet.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, the landscape began to change. The trees grew taller and more twisted, their branches forming a dense canopy that blocked out the faint light from the sky. The ground was uneven, with roots and rocks jutting out, making navigating difficult. Jooheon had to be careful with each step, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the forest, shivering down Jooheon's spine. He turned, his hand instinctively reaching for the blaster at his side. The shadows seemed to close in around him, and he could feel the presence of something watching him from the darkness.

"Stay calm, Jooheon," he muttered to himself, trying to steady his nerves. "It's just the Dreamweaver's illusions."

But the growl became louder this time, and Jooheon knew it was not just an illusion. He could see movement in the shadows, the faint outline of a creature lurking just out of sight. He raised his blaster, ready to defend himself, but the beast did not attack. Instead, it seemed to be watching him, studying his every move.

The creature slowly emerged from the shadows, revealing its grotesque form. It stood on four legs, each one ending in sharp, clawed feet that dug into the soft ground. Its body was covered in dark, matted fur that seemed to absorb the eerie green light from the moss. The fur was interspersed with rough, scaly skin patches, giving it a patchwork appearance. Its back was hunched, and its spine protruded in jagged ridges, adding to its menacing silhouette.

The creature's head was the most terrifying part. It had a long, elongated snout filled with rows of sharp, jagged teeth that glinted in the dim light. Its eyes were large and glowing, a sickly yellow that seemed to pierce through the darkness. They were set deep into its skull, giving it a hollow, almost skeletal appearance. Long, pointed ears twitched and swivelled, picking up every sound in the dreadful silence.

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