How I first met him (Prologue....)

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A year ago, I was kidnapped by the one named, Doji, and he forced me to work as a maid, (also a sex slave.) The only way he could keep me controlled was by shock collars, so if I didn't follow his direct order he'll shock me, or on the other hand whip me and lock you into a dog cage, and insult me. I just got used to this routine, repeating it over and over again, or if I did a good job that day, he'll rape me as a good punishment, which was not, at all.
Till one day, my whole world changed when a boy named Kyoya came to the Dark Nebula. Kyoya; He was a leader of a gang, had scars under his clear, water blue eyes. His hair was Lime, green with his ponytail on the back of his head. My heart just dropped when I saw him. He's just so beautiful.
"Kyoya, Welcome to the Dark Nebula, this is my assistant, (Y/N)." Doji greeted him. "Are you sure that she even alive anymore?"
It felt like my heart broke in half. How could he say something like that? I thought.
"Kyoya, she's alive. She just doesn't know what's going on right now, that's all. She thinks that she is waiting for me." Doji snickered.
Now, Doji just making me look stupid.
I was about to cry, it hurt that much to listen to their conversation that was about me. Kyoya looked at me, with a smirk on his face. Stop smirking.
"Are you sure, that it's alright to upset her?" I scary voice said. "Oh, Ryuga. It's nice to see you again." Doji said, smiling. Ryuga walked pass me, walking towards Doji and Kyoya. "I would stop making fun of her, she's smarter than you think Doji." Ryuga said.
Luckily, Ryuga is on my side.
I know Ryuga is a bad guy but he has a sweet heart.
"As you wish, Master Ryuga," Doji said. "(Y/N), you can leave now."
I left and walk straight into my room. I cried on my pillow, it hurt to hear the conversation, it repeat over and over again in my head.
Then, there was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said, wiping the tears from my face. Reiki walked into the room, so did Dan. "Hey, (Y/N).. Are you crying?" Reiki asked, coming over to me and sat on my bed. "Of course, she crying." Dan sat on the other side of me. "(Y/N), what happened?" Reiki asked.
"The new guy and Doji called me stupid and said I looked dead." I cried some more. Dan and Reiki hugged me. "It's alright, (Y/N). They're just jerks." Dan said.
Then one of the bells began to ring, meaning it was time to get Doji some orange juice or something else. I stood up, moving Dan's and Reiji's arms off of me.
"Are you sure, you want to go see him, even after he insulted you?" Reiki asked, getting up from the bed. "Well, I have to. If I don't then something bad was going to happen and I will probably dead after that, so see ya."
I opened the door and walked through it, closing the door behind me. My hand began to shake, I'm not sure why but I was afraid.
I walked in to Doji's office. "What do you need, Doji?" I said. "Well, since Kyoya is going to be standing here awhile, why don't you show him around."
I looked to my left and Kyoya was leaning against the wall. My heartbeat increased a little. "Y-yes, sir." I said.
Then I bowed down and walked over to the door. I looked back at Kyoya, which he was behind me at the time. "Are you going to move or am I going to stand there?" He said, angerily.
I moved out of the doorway and began to walk at a fast paced. I didn't want him to speak to me, at all.
"So, this is the dining room." I pointed at it. "Okay.." He said, looking in a different direction. "Well, let move on."
We finished our tour of the Dark Nebula and I stopped right at his room. It was weird that his room was next to mine.
"Well, this is your room." I said, pointing at the door. "Thanks. Sorry about earlier." Kyoya opened the door and walked into his room. I flushed, covering my mouth. I walked into my room, laying on my bed.
For the first time I have a smile on my face.

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