Scars torn deeper

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I began to feel drowsy before the darkness consumed me and everything went black.


I fluttered my eyes open feeling my body roll around. I tried to move my arms before feeling tight ropes wrapped around my wrists and ankles. I winced as I wriggled around. I looked up to see a man driving I lifted my head noticing I was lying in someone's lap. I muffled a horrific scream as I realised who I was. I tried to tear my wrists away from each other, trying to break free.

Idris grinned at my attempt as I tried to kick around. He grinned before lifting his gun. He placed the cold barrel on my head before mumbling something.

Idris and his father put me through years of endless torture. After brutally killing my father and taking me hostage, they continuously abused me. If I didn't do exactly what they said I wouldn't hear the end of it without new scars and many bruises. As the months went on it became worse, they sent me out to do their deals with their buyers, creepy men who always tried shit with me. Nothing ever went smoothly. They put me through so much I can't even speak about. I can't bear to believe it happened. But it did. I've continuously tried to heal my deep scars, but the severity of the scars has made it impossible to heal them.

A few weeks before I made my escape, Idris had been different towards me. Like he saw what he was doing to me and the other girls. But it didn't matter, I escaped without batting an eye. I moved far away to ensure I would never have to cross paths with his sick father and his gang.

The gun barrel dug deeper into my skin as I looked around in fear. I didn't recognise the man in the front seat. Idris's hand was softly on my back as he rubbed back and forth to comfort me. I laid still too scared to fight. I knew what would happen if I did. It had been years since being in his hands and I didn't want to find out what he would do
to me.

My eyes swung from left to right in fear. I knew Luna had my phone's location and soon or later she would realise I was gone. I hoped she would call for the police to come find me.

The car came to holt as did my heart too. I heard the man in the front seat mumbling before Idris stepped out of the car. I tried to lift myself before Idris reached in and grabbed my arm dragging me out of the car. I laid on the cold concrete floor looking up at him.

He was still the same but had an even darker aura around him. His presence sent chills down my spine. With messy brown hair falling around his hardened face, his eyes burn with a cold intensity.

I saw a small proud grin play upon his lips before he bent down once again and picked me up by my arm. Idris dragged me by my arm closer to a house as I followed tears quietly streaming down my cheeks.

I looked around in fear noticing every detail in the house as he squeezed his grip tighter. There were multiple men were sat on the couch just watching as he pulled me up the stairs. I squeezed my eyes shut feeling nothing but ill. I couldn't believe this was happening right now. Scars I've endlessly been trying to heal feeling as if they were tearing apart further.

Idris swung open a door as the sound of it hitting the wall made me swing my head up. I furrowed my eyebrows before he threw me in. I fell to the floor quickly crawling backwards my back slamming against the wall. Idris stood tall before he laughed and slammed the door. The darkness consumed the last of the light before I dropped my head to my knees and lost it.

I tried to hold my tears in as I slid my legs down. I tried to reach into my pocket pulling out my phone. I held it close in my tied hands as I violently pressed the power on.

"No, no, no" I cried.

My phone was dead. I threw my phone forward smashing it against the door loudly. I slammed my head to the back of the wall letting tears stream down my face.


"Get up" his cold voice demanded as his foot contacted my stomach.

I winced as I opened my eyes and began to blink trying to adjust to the morning glow.

"Now" he groaned reaching down.

"Please stop" I cried as he pulled me up.

His grin horrified me before he slammed me against the wall. I looked away avoiding his sick eyes before he placed his hand on my chin tilting up my head.

"You don't understand how hard I've been looking for you" he smiled admiring my face.

I forced my head away from his grip before he held my neck.

"Hey!" he shouted. "I've missed you" he grinned getting closer to my lips.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt his hot breath on my face. Tears fell down my face as his grip grew tighter and my breaths became more constant.

"Many of my men died for you. My father" he whispered with a sharp tone. I held my breath slowly opening my eyes.

"What?" I muttered.

"It was all worth it now," he grinned getting even closer to me. "All of them dying was worth it because I finally have you" he groaned as he nibbled on my ear.

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