Part 3: The captains sabotage

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A pair of watching eyes were stuck onto the group of girls, James's eyes analyzing every move his girlfriend made from the glass window. She was surrounded around by her friend, conversing, or rather whispering to some of them and laughing loudly.

As if someone saw that Hook was paying attention to the pink haired beauty, they quickly averted their eyes, but as soon as he noticed her doing that, he immediately ducked, hiding himself.

soon after the bell rang, Bridget, Red, Ella, and Chloe grabbed their things from the table, making their way out of classroom

A flicker or panic was shown in James's eyes. Without even a single second passing by he looked back and forth at the three aproaching girls and at the bucket filled with paint placed on top of the door.

At that given moment the black haired man dashed to the door, grasping onto the bucket and slowly letting it down. though he was careful with it, the hands of his slipped up resulting with the bucket tipping over to the floor and spilling the contents all over his boots and clothes.

All the students in the corridor turned their heads, staring at him as their mouths hung wide open "What happened? Where did that come from?" Hades questioned, his eyes searching everywhere around, but he couldn't see anything.

The corners of the man with paint drenched clothes let the corners of his lips stretch upwards to form a awkward smile.

"Pffft!.." A red haired girl watching from afar blurted out, laughing tremendously before soon cutting it out and having a poker face back on

"Be nice." Bridget defended her boyfriend who had paint stuck on each of his pieces of clothing

The day went on with Bridget feeling quite happy and at peace, meanwhile at the other end, Her boyfriend suffered with protecting her from every single one of Uliana's evil plans.

While the pink haired girl and her friends enjoyed their evening having the sunbeams gently hit them and laying against a tall tree in the forest to breath in the fresh nice air, somewhere near them in that exact same forest had havoc breaking lose

Several squirls were attacking hook, tiny bite marks being dented at his skin, and cuts littered upon his face, a broken rib protruding through his shirt, as well as bloodied knuckles, bruises forming across his chest and torso. But no sign of the person responsible for all these injuries
The young boy walked towards a tall tree with thick branches, climbing up it, he jumped to reach a higher branch to climb a little further up.

The poor pirate was severely tortured for the next passing hours. Only until the sun set down did the man finally get to breath properly

A thud sound kept repeating over and over which was made by James's limping leg that tried it's best to walk. Feathers, eggs, flower, tree branches and various other objects were stuck in the man's strands of hair. His shirt was ripped to shreds.

With his friend Hades footsteps aproaching and Hades mouth about to open, James cut him off with a breathy and tired response,

"Don't you dare utter a word."

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