Past Thoughts

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Laying on her bed into deep thought with her eyes closed. Wondering, imagining beyond her control to were it feels like her body is numb to the outside world and only her spirit and mind exist.
Seeing herself as that little girl she was once before, but just not any little girl. She was the girl that got into fights, rough around the edges when it comes to playing with childhood friends like basketball, football, basically any sport existed was the sport she played. When it came to her being in school, she was the complete opposite. Quiet, shy and only hung around her brother's friends, even outside of school. She smiled at the thought of her big brother. He was the only one she looked up too, especially with how he treated her. She was treated like one of the boys, when it was time to play whatever sport she was never last to be picked because she made sure she became the image of her brother because she believed he was a beast at everything. Wore what he wore even when growing up the went to parties dressing alike yet in different colors. She felt proud and special. She had a older sister but she wasn't feeling the "I got to have my purse?" Or "Ooohh mom I want some highheels too!" Type. As she laughed at the thought of that cause her sister turned out to be the complete opposite yet dress up every now and then. She have a younger brother which he was the target to beat up just to have my brothers honor, even when it came to fighting other boys on our neighborhood block just to get his "That's my sister" praise. She loves her little brother just as much but luckily he gave her reasons to pound him up every now and then especially when her big brother is watching. She agreed at the idea of have a pretty good decent childhood in her eyes, if anybody else seen it they would think other wise.

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