back stabbed

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-tomorrow morning-

Authors pov:
After what happened in the car last night Lucas was so curious and decided to ask someone...he entered the company with his brother all the girls in the company was drooling over him

Girl1: he is so handsome!!
Girl2: yesss!!

Lucas was eagerly finding someone...then he found that person in the office and rushed over that office

Inside the office


ucas: Eva!
Eva: huh- Lucas what are u doing here?
Lucas: I have something important to ask u...
Eva: what is it?...u look nervous...u can ask me anything go ahead
Lucas: uhmmm actually... who is Noah??

Eva was shocked after hearing the name

Eva: why u asking me about him??
Lucas: it just...

He explained her everything what happened yesterday in the car

Eva: uhmm ok I will tell u who is that bastard but promise me that u won't tell Evelyn that I told u about him ok!?
Lucas: ok!
Eva: noah that jerk is Evelyn's ex boyfriend...I thought he was nice  until Evelyn's money was reducing from her bank...she was getting depressed day by day but we never thought that jerk noah was stealing her money...but then one day Evelyn thought to put camera in her office and she got super shocked after knowing that it was her boyfriend who was stealing her money and also the biggest shock he was cheating behind her back...she reported him and he was in jail for 3 days after coming back from jail he hacked her bank account and her all the money disappeared and she got more depressed and we knew that it was that jerk noah so we went to him to confirm him and he stabbed Evelyn and ran away...we immediately called ambulance and police and he got arrested and now he is in jail for 3 years...

After listening this Lucas blood boiled because of anger he was feeling bad for Evelyn that she went alot through

Lucas: did she moved on??
Eva: yes! After that incident she promised herself that she won't date with any guy and she started working hard
Lucas: Ooh...(he was lil bit sad)
Eva: uff! I lost my 15 minutes I need to go now I have to prepare the meeting
Lucas: oh ok bye! Enjoy the meeting!
Eva: shut up💀
Lucas: opssie sorry😂

Eva rolled her eyes and went from there🙄

Lucas: she rolled her eyes in 90⁰😲

-on meeting-

All were having important discussion but the ceo himself was lost in his own world...he was thinking about Emily

Mr jin: so what do you think mr James?
James: huh- oh yea nice nice

-after meeting ended-

Eva: mr James enjoyed the view? Huh? 😏
James: (blushed)

va: focus on the meeting not on ur crush you idiot!!


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