the day everyone was waiting

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-after four day-

James: waah I feel soo nervous today
Lucas: don't worry you can do it!
James: hmm btw did you guys arranged everything?
Evelyn: yes! Everything is ready!
Eva: waah I can't believe you are finally doing this
James: me myself can't believe that iam doing this😮‍💨
Lucas: guys I have to go somewhere! I need to do some important work I will be back as soon as possible ok!
James: oh ok! *whisper* be safe ok
Lucas: hmm...byee!

Then he left

Evelyn: where is he going??
James: he got to do something important so he will be went don't worry 😁
Evelyn: yaah! Who said iam worried!🙄 i was just curious...
Eva: Evelyn let's go we have to get Emily too!

Then they all left

-at Emily's house-

Evelyn: gurl!! What are you doing
Emily: what are you guys doing here?
Eva: to get you out of this house
Emily: huh-
Evelyn: gosh! We don't have time come fast we also have to get ready!! Take wear this dress!
Emily: huh- but why?
Eva: we don't have time to answer your questions so get ready fast!
Emily: ok ok calm down...

-at beach-

James was standing nervously while  waiting for someone...then there he saw the person who he was waiting his whole life... THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE!

emily: yaah! Why you guys blind folded me!?
Eva: can you pls shut your mouth for a freaking 2 seconds
Emily: ok ok calm down
Evelyn: *chuckled*
Evelyn was seeing backside time to time
Eva: are you finding someone?
Evelyn: huh no!!

After few mins all arrived to the beach...Lucas also came he was breathing heavily...

Author pov:
Btw guys wanna see there dresses???

Author pov: Btw guys wanna see there dresses???

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Emily's dress 👆

Emily's dress 👆

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James outfit 👆

Evelyn outfit 👆

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Evelyn outfit 👆

Evelyn outfit 👆

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Lucas outfit 👆

Lucas outfit 👆

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Eva outfit 👆

(Tell me whose outfit you loved the most😉)
-back to the story-

Evelyn: are you ok? Did you run??
Lucas: huh- oh yea lil bit
Evelyn: hmm

Then they maked Emily Stand inside the heart shape and opened her blind fold...she got shocked seeing the view infront of her

The tears started flowing from her eyes and she was out of words seeing the love of her life infront of her holding a bouquet 💐 of flowers for her and an pink  emerald ring 💍 in his hand for her

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The tears started flowing from her eyes and she was out of words seeing the love of her life infront of her holding a bouquet 💐 of flowers for her and an pink  emerald ring 💍 in his hand for her...James  kneeled down and ask her something

James: love...can u marry me?
Emily was out of words she was just crying in happiness...and all others were shouting "SAY YES>3"
She said YES loudly and they both hugged each other
All of them cheered for them in happiness...then all of a sudden the spotlight dropped on Evelyn and she gasped

Evelyn: huh what's happening?
Then someone came to her from behind and it was none other than Lucas and he offered her a bouquet of flowers but she noticed something near his shirt and it was blood

Lucas: Evelyn will you be my girlfriend?

Everyone started cheering for them

Everyone: say yes!!>3


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