chapter one:

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Crimson's POV

' Flame get up already , you've been sleeping for two hours now'. l said glaring at him. He just yawned and continued to sleep.I shut down the laptop as I removed his paw from my leg.

'Ugh,why do tigers sleep so much ' l thought in my head. I got up from the couch to go to the kitchen when mum called 'Snow you're running late for your appointment with the doctor, you really should get going ' .

OMG, today is Thursday, how could I forget about the appointment. I would be taking my injections today , mum said they were supposed to improve my breathing but sincerely they were basically useless. If you are wondering why I need to take injections to improve my breathing it's because I have asthma, and if you're wondering who Flame is, well he's my pet and he's a tiger . That's right, a saber tooth tiger.......just kidding he's not , saber tooths are extinct.

I left Flame on the couch as I dashed down the stairs to Zeon's room. He was playing a game Far cry 4 maybe when I entered and he didn't seem to notice my presence because he had his earphones plugged in. I snuck up behind him to the wall outlet a switched it off, and then it came.

"Hey!! what was that for, I was about to win!! " he said giving me a questioning look. " I have to be at the hospital in twenty five minutes and I need you to get me there ' I said staring at him square in the eye. ' You just ruined my game ' he said, his voice slightly lower.' Sorry not sorry ' I replied with a shrug and went straight to the door knowing he was following me stomping his feet against the marble floor.

We got to the dining room just as mum came out of the kitchen. ' Snow, I wish I could come with you but I have to be home when your brothers arrive ' she said holding my hands . ' Mum it's okay I can handle it on my own and If there's anything Zeon is coming with me ' I said . She squeezed my hands softly and I closed my eyes breathe in breathe out and I opened them again.' I'm good ' I said again. She released my hands and I walked to the door. ' ZEON ' I called ' I'm going to be late if we don't go now ' .He came down the stairs as I opened the door.

'Snow' I turned around to face a tear-faced mum. ' Mum, everything's going to be fine I promise ' I told her even though I wasn't so sure of myself. She looked at me for a moment longer then faced my brother. ' Zeon call me if you there's anything and Snow' she turned back to give me a hug (bone-crushing if I might add)' Stay safe' 'Sure will' I replied with a smile.

As soon as we got into his black Range Rover he drove straight to the parking lot of the futuristic looking building with "VEYRON" engraved in front. We stepped into the elevator to the 7th floor and once we got out, the familiar white walls welcomed me back to them .I started to feel panicked. ' Zeon ' I whispered. ' Hmmm ' ' Could you hold my hands ' I whispered again. He gave an assuring smile and held my hands softly. I cleared all the thoughts from my head just as Dr. Killian's secretary nodded towards his office indicating he was in.

He looked up as we entered his office.' Crimson' he beamed ' and you must be Zeon' he said giving my brother a handshake. 'Congratulations on your mom's ' he said again. ' Thanks Brian ' I replied with a smile .
' Now let's get straight to business,shall we ? ' he asks facing Zeon.

After ten minutes of exchanging signatures and all I was led to a the TOR . I sat on chair and Brian walked in with his team of assisting doctors . 'Let's see how far you can do without the inhalers' he said and I nodded . I minute, all good, 5 minutes, still good, 10 minutes , a little longer,15 minutes, okay I'm starting to turn while,16 minutes, I think I'm gonna die 16.20 minutes he passed the inhalers' to me and I took a long whiff of air . 'Last time you were here my record says 14 minutes. See that's an improvement' he said and I rolled my eyes.

Soon,I was lying on a bed in a transparent room and three doctors in uniform. The room was in a secluded part of the hospital so all I could see outside was the white walls . Dr Killian asked to close my eyes and stretch my arms as he brought the injection to my skin.

I held a breath as the contents of the injection seeped in . I felt nothing when he removed it and replaced it with a drip .I knew it was the calm before the storm because it was only a matter of seconds before I would feel anything.

Starting in 5...,4....,3....,2.....,1..... I felt a pang of pain jolt across my body as the fluid spread around my body through my blood. It went up my head and down to my toes igniting everything in it's path with pain and for a moment I couldn't breathe,and then I felt nothing at all. I felt like I was locked in a dark room and I couldn't see ,smell,touch or taste anything. My whole body felt numb and I fell into a deep slumber.

When I woke up after what felt like an eternity, I felt something soft brush over my face. It felt like.....fur ?,wait a sec.' Flame!!!'I gasped. 'When did you get here' I questioned. He placed his head on my right hand and let out a purr. ' You big baby ' I smiled. I wanted to touch his head with my other hand but it was still connected to the drip , though I doubt if it was the one from before. I looked around and realized I was in another room which was probably a private room.

The door opened and a nurse stepped in followed by a radiant looking mum. The nurse looked like her heart was about to jump out when she saw Flame . 'He's absolutely harmless ' mum assured from behind her . She took a step closer to me and Flame looked up at her and growled loudly at the injection in her hand. 'I can't do this ' she said quickly as she ran out of the room. Mum sat down on a chair at the edge of the room. The door opened again and Dr Killian came in. I held Flame tightly as he tensed up again . ' He's a friend' I whispered to him and he relaxed.

'Well, you're not going to run out too,are you? ' I asked looking up at the doctor. ' Any threatening move he makes, believe me I'm out ' he replied with a smile. He came closer to me and stayed a reasonable distance from Flame as he asked me some questions. He turned to mum as he closed his book ' Ma'am you are are free to talk to her. Mum came to me and held my hand which Flame had now released.

' I was admitted to the hospital two weeks ago and I was lucky to get two room adjacent yours ' she said with a smile. Admitted two weeks ago? but she's only like three and half months pregnant . I'm lost, what do you mean two weeks ago' I asked in confusion. ' Ohh, you haven't told her yet Brian ', she asked facing Dr Killian. 'Not yet ma'am ' he replied looking at me sternly. ' Told me what ' ,I asked getting worried . 'I know this may come as a shock to you Snow but you've been been asleep for 5 months ' she said, her smile vanished. " WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!'

First chapter
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