Straight Lithium

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Brandon Grant stares out the window longing, his black curly hair and brown eyes glistening in the warm of the light fixed through his home. Watching the rain splash down, he thinks about playing outside or doing anything to get out of his current situation... eventually he just decides to say "screw it" and go outside to play in the rain, he puts on his black and blue jacket and heads outside expecting his evening to suck as much as his day... all of a sudden he watches a neon blue object fall from the sky... like a shooting star! With a loud KRAKAKABOOM! He stares in disbelief at the sight of a symphony of electricity crackles and dances in the wind. He journeyed through the woodland area towards the mysterious unidentified flying object thinking to himself it must be something to sell or something that would eat him, as he treks through the wilderness he discovers a man standing in the bottom of a crater, as Brandon slides down he attempts to check on the man... speaking in an unfamiliar tongue. The man commandingly tries to get Brandon to come near, only to be met with fear by the 10 year old child staring at him uncomfortably. The man then looks at him and reassuringly sticks out his finger, Brandon stares at him before doing the same, the pair look at each other for a moment before the sound of silence is broken by Brandon who then says "was something supposed to happen?" Instantly! Lightning jolts into the young man's body! Frying him from the inside and out! The two are locked in a state of pain as the man holds his wrist and feels the energy being drained from his body! Brandon stands there screaming as his skin chars and muscles convulse in pain only to soon stop realizing his body is now healing... unnaturally fast... In disbelief he wonders whats happening before listening to the man speak in his undeterminable dialect. Soon enough the man's face starts to crack and cave in on itself... his body slowly turns to dust blowing away leaving Brandon in complete shock and utter confusion, soon the young boy looks down to notice he's floating, briefly freaking out, wondering if he's imagining all this he lifts his legs up to notice he's completely suspended in the air, flying... our scene then cuts to Brandon soaring through the air trying different tricks out and flips before soaring into the night sky, the next thing scene is the title "MONOTONOUS".

Chapter 1:
12 years later Brandon wakes up, to the sound of his alarm clock, he gently pushes the snooze button before realizing it's his first day of work "OH MAN!!! I'm GONNA BE LATE!" He screams to himself before immediately getting up and rushing to the bathroom at great speeds, he tries getting ready as fast as he can before accidentally snapping his tooth brush in half in his mouth "Crap, remember just relax and try to be cool" he says before tossing it in a pile with other broken brushes, he tries gargling with mouthwash before noticing his second alarm going off, he tries to outstretch his hand towards it before an arc of electricity propels itself from out of his hand and into the clock! Reducing it to a pile of useless parts! As he stares at the pile of rubble nonchalantly but visibly annoyed he says to himself "I really gotta work on this "Projectile Dysfunction" crap." Our protagonist soon finds himself rushing to get out the door in his living room before tripping over his cats bed, his roommate bursts out the room with excitement, his roommate is a tall lanky man with a scraggly set of facial hair, long brown hair and a slightly unkempt appearance. Brandon looks at him nervous for a second "Oh hey Ty..." Ty laughs callously saying "wow you really gotta watch where you're going dude... so today's the big day huh?" Brandon smiles gleefully his eyes filled with excitement and passion "Yup! Today is the day! I'm gonna be an official member for the- OH CRAP I GOTTA HEAD OUT NOW!" Brandon screams as he soon rushes out the door. Ty smiles to himself thinking "he can't even start without me-" as he goes to grab the doorknob he gets shocked by it immediately recoiling in surprise "why does that always happen... we don't even have carpet." Ty says to himself quietly. Before immediately rushing out screaming "HEY WAIT FOR ME DUDE!"

Our scene then changes to a young blonde woman waking up in bed, stretching out and looking around her room, around her bed is a white board and a cork board with various pictures and connected notes all with different headlines, "Vampires? Aliens? Cyborgs? That one telekinetic hedgehog from the 4th dimension" different titles and conspiracies litter the board. She soon gets up saying "TODAYS THE DAY! ITS MY TIME TO STAND OUT!- Oh dang it I'm gonna be late!" She starts freaking out while throwing her alarm on the ground, she soon runs out the door after getting ready for work, in jogging attire, she runs down the street expecting today to be her chance to stand out. She rushes down the street gleefully saying "This is your moment Tressa! Be excited, look for the next big thing in Litholm... besides the rats!"

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