Overnight Making The World My Own

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Our scene opens up with a three people standing on a highway overpass, one is big with brown hair and tan skin, brown eyes, he stands six feet and eight inches tall, his name is Mulligan, next to him... a man with black hair, dyed blue at the tips standing five feet and six inches tall, Gavin... and the last person a woman who's five feet, four inches tall with midnight black hair and porcelain white skin, named Olivia Malice...as the three individuals sit on top of the overpass while cars rush past them they notice below them in the middle of the highway a prisoners convoy rushes towards them in the distance. Mulligan smiles saying "That's our girl!" He taps his belt buckle twice and a strange metallic liquid coats his body making him eight feet tall, he jumps off the overpass and his body suddenly changes, becoming more mechanical until all of a sudden a monster truck slams on top of the armored convoy! The truck flips over landing on its back and screeching to a halt after tumbling over and over again.  Gavin then teleports Olivia to the bottom towards the armored convoy, looking at Olivia he then says "You're up next..." Olivia smiles saying "Yeah, yeah just be prepared to get us out of here if things get hairy..." she forms her hands into an almost rock and roll formation before saying "In Saba Intu Nein" causing the wall of the truck to corrode into rust and turn into dust... out steps a woman with red hair and green eyes, she's the same height as Olivia but looks dazed, she says "What the heck was that?! And how did you three bozo's pull this off?" Olivia smiles "You won't believe what we discovered and don't worry we saved toys for you too... now be grateful MyKayla cause this job wasn't easy." MyKayla then looks over and says "Did you guys steal a monster truck for me?" Gavin interrupts "Not now, just get in we'll explain it all and get you geared up, cops will be on the way soon!" The three of them load up into Mulligan and leave the scene.

Meanwhile at Brandon and Ty's apartment Brandon is picking out beanies to wear for the week, trying to develop a style so no one notices him as Victorious. He looks at himself in the blue beanie then switches to the black, Ty then peaks his head around the corner saying "Honestly dude, I'd go for blue, black seems to just look like your normal hair..." Brandon smiles saying "Thanks I'm trying a new style just so I can have a distinct look at work." He says nervously before Ty smiles saying "I'm just gonna call you out here..." Brandon stares at him worried for a moment... "what do you mean?" Ty then retorts "You've got a thing for Tressa and you want her to notice you." Brandon stares dumbfounded for a moment before quickly recollecting himself "Wow, nothing gets past you, you know me so well." Ty then smiles before replying sarcastically "Yeah I do." Brandon smiling at his friend begins to finish getting ready for work, the two of them walk to their job ready to see what the day has in store for them. In a short time, Brandon and Ty bump into Tressa outside the building Brandon smiles at Tressa instantly "Hey Tressa! How are you doing?" Tressa blushes for a second "Oh me? I'm fine H-How about you Brandon? And Ty? I mean both of you! Sorry it's been a long night... I've been dealing with a lot! Too much at once... trying to figure out a way to meet Victorious and get a video of us interviewing him! Oh and nice hat Brandon, is that new?" Ty then smiles "Yeah he thought you'd like it... cause it's blue." Brandon nervously blushes before saying "We should all probably head inside now? Maybe clock into work? Discuss how we can meet him? Victorious I mean..." the three of them, enter the building getting clocked in for work, approaching what used to be the interns office, the trio then stop noticing writing on the door has changed... what used to say interns office now says "Team Victorious" Tressa and Ty smile, Brandon stares at it nervously, the three then enter, noticing three people sitting around the table looking over notes, one of them is a muscular gentleman, same height as Brandon, but noticeably more muscular, just one of his arms is the size of Brandon's head, the man is of Hispanic descent, he smiles at Brandon immediately standing up, walking over to shake his hand, Brandon takes his hand immediately saying "Hi my name is Brandon!" The man looking shocked for a second retorts "Hi, I'm Alexis but you can call me Alex and can I just say... you've got one hell of a grip there Brody..." Brandon then eases up on his grip saying "Sorry, I-I play baseball?" Alex looks at him interested for a second "Oh yeah? What position?" Brandon then says "Let's just say... I wasn't really good at it... outfielder..." Ty and Alex chuckles before Alex motions towards a bombshell blonde girl, with extremely gorgeous long curly hair... flowing down to her back and the most amazing cool steel blue eyes... Alex then says "This is my girlfriend Courtney And" Courtney stands up approaching the two of them cutting Alex off saying "And I can introduce myself Alex dear, Hi I'm Courtney." She smiles at Brandon before walking towards Tressa giving her a friendly hug saying "Hiiii it's so nice to meet you! So I don't know if you know this but Whitaker hired us to be co hosts with the two of you! It's so nice to have another couple to work with!" Brandon and Tressa look at each other awkwardly before saying simultaneously "What no uh we're not together!" Brandon and Tressa speak in incoherent nonsense for a second as they trail off into different sentences Brandon says "We just work together! I mean don't get me wrong! She's an awesome person! And really nice! Super pretty eyes..." Tressa then blushing says looking at Brandon for a second "Aw thank you I like your eyes too..." before flipping back to Courtney "Yeah we actually just started working together not too long ago... we started off as interns.." Courtney then says "Yeah we heard about that... you three seem to be rising stars and about the dating thing, Whitaker told us those two live together so I figured it was them." She says pointing at Ty and Brandon. Ty and Brandon recoil in disgust at the prospect for a second saying simultaneously "What? No we're best friends we're like brothers!" All of them seem to laugh at Ty and Brandon jokingly. The final person sitting down, stands up walking towards the group, she's of Native American descent, she introduces herself to Brandon first, "Im summer." Brandon puts his hand out shaking her hand. He's highly nervous about these new people on his team but he wants to make a good effort.

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