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                             ===============Ariel's POV

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Ariel's POV

I'm absolutely thrilled to be at Hogwarts! Everyone is so kind, and I've made some amazing friends. The classes are fascinating, but the best part is being reunited with my sister! I didn't enjoy living at home with Mom; she's always absent, and when she is around, she's mean and acts strangely. But none of that matters now that I'm at Hogwarts, surrounded by friends and my beloved sister!

I'm skipping to my astronomy class, bursting with excitement. I adore learning about the stars, and it's a special connection for me since my sister is named after a constellation and I'm named after one of Uranus' moons. Plus, my friend Charlotte is in this class, so we're meeting up before it starts to sit together.


I finally spot Charlotte waiting by the classroom door and excitedly wave my hands to get her attention. "Charlotte!" I exclaim, running towards her. She turns around, smiling, and I grab her hand, dragging her into the class. "Sorry I took so long, I got lost!" I apologize, out of breath.

Charlotte laughs and sits down beside me. "It's okay, I got lost too!" We both giggle and chat until the teachers enter the room. One has a huge grin, while the other has a stoic expression, but they both bear a striking resemblance to my sister. The grinning professor introduces himself, "Hello class, I'm Sirius Black, your astronomy professor. Call me Professor Sirius!" His enthusiasm is infectious.

The stoic professor, Regulus Black, introduces himself with less enthusiasm, "I'm Regulus Black, your other astronomy professor." Professor Sirius gives him a playful side-eye before beginning the lesson. He instructs us to partner up and try to identify the different stars. Charlotte and I exchange excited glances, ready to start our astronomy adventure together!


As the class ends, I feel a tinge of sadness, but the prospect of lunch soon lifts my spirits! Charlotte and I pack our belongings, chatting as we exit the classroom. But then, "Miss Spite, can you stay back?" I turn around, confused, wondering if I'm in trouble. I glance at Charlotte, shrug, and wave goodbye before approaching the professors.

"Am I in trouble, Professors?" I ask, feeling a bit apprehensive.

Regulus smiles politely, "Not at all, Ariel. In fact, you show great promise in Astrology." His words bring a smile to my face.

"Where did you learn it?" he asks, curiosity in his voice.

My grin widens, "My big sister taught me! She's amazing at it, and she's even named after a star constellation." I beam with pride, happy to share my sister's influence on me.

Sirius nods, his interest piqued. "Ah, I see. And who's your sister, exactly?" He leans in, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I grin, eager to share. "Her name's Lyra, and she's my best friend! You've probably seen her around; she's always smiling!" I beam with pride.

Regulus nods, his expression serious. "Yes, we've seen her around."

Sirius's eyes light up with excitement. "And, uh, you and Lyra are full sisters?" He looks like he's holding his breath, awaiting my response.

Regulus elbows him, whispering, "You can't ask that, Sirius. That's personal."

I wave my hand dismissively. "No, no, it's okay. Yes, we're full sisters." My response seems to stun them, their eyes locking in a silent conversation.

Regulus sighs, nodding, while Sirius turns to me with an intense expression, making me feel a bit uneasy. "Umm, Ariel, I have something to tell you." His tone is serious, hinting at a revelation that might change everything.

I maintain eye contact, waiting for him to continue. The silence stretches, making me nervous, so I fidget with my sleeve in anticipation. Sirius sighs, his gaze locked on mine, before dropping the bombshell: "I'm your father."

I freeze, my mind reeling. What. The. Heck!? If he's my father, then he's Lyra's father too - the one she only mentioned once, with a mix of anger and sadness. I recall her words vividly: "He's a coward, who leaves when things get tough. He abandons people to suffer instead of facing challenges himself. He's a deadbeat, who I hope never comes back." But I saw the hint of hope in her eyes, a glimmer of desire for him to return. I never knew the full story, but Lyra's expression suggested there was more to it, that maybe he wasn't all bad.

My thoughts swirl, trying to process this revelation. I look at Sirius, searching for answers, wondering if he'll finally share his side of the story.

"Ariel," Sirius says softly, snapping me out of my daze. "Are you alright?"

I shake my head, still processing. "Oh, uh, it's just a little hard to comprehend."

Both Sirius and Regulus nod understandingly, acknowledging the sudden revelation. But Sirius can't wait to address the elephant in the room. "And I never heard many good things about you, you know?" he says, his voice laced with a mix of sadness and determination.

Sirius sighs, looking ashamed. "I get it. But you both haven't heard the full story, and I plan to tell you everything, with your sister." I offer a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I believe you're not all bad."

Sirius smiles back, and even Regulus cracks a small smile. But Sirius's expression turns serious. "But it's going to be hard to convince Lyra." He nods, his eyes burning with determination. "I know, but I'm going to try my best."

I grin enthusiastically. "And I'll help you! I want Lyra to be happy. I want a big family too, hehehe!" Sirius laughs, and I can even hear Regulus chuckle.

Sirius opens his arms nervously. "And you do have a big family... we've always been one." His words hang in the air, filled with emotion and a deep longing for connection.

Tears well up in my eyes, but my smile remains as I rush into Sirius's arms, embracing him in a tight hug. I've always had Lyra, but I yearned for more - affection, connection, and a sense of belonging. Lyra provides it in small doses, but she's never been fond of physical touch.

I sniffle, my voice muffled against Sirius's shoulder. "I'm glad." He squeezes me tighter, and I feel a sense of comfort and acceptance wash over me.

"I'll help you as much as I can," I promise, "so we can be a full family, with Lyra." I pull back, looking up at Sirius with determination. "We'll make it work, together." Sirius smiles, his eyes shining with tears, and Regulus nods in agreement, a small smile on his face. In this moment, I feel a sense of hope and belonging I've never known before.

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