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Name: Randall "Rand" Burdon

Age: 12 

Background: Grew up in Jersey most of his life living with his parents. They had a rocky relationship and Rand was exposed to it all. He mainly took after his father with bits of his personality, traits....and some "advice" he was told. He also has a very strong Jersey accent.

Looks: White but has a slight tan (skin tone), maroon hair (long bangs, short sides), sage eyes, yellow wife-beater, hazel sweat shorts, purple flip-flops, shark tooth necklace (silver chains), normal weight.

Personality: Unlucky, boastful, unfiltered, sarcastic, short-temper, will be times.

Likes: Sharks, TV, New Jersey Devils, monster trucks, finger skateboards, Mr. Sketch markers, trying to be badass, fast food, nunhchucks, Lunchables, Bill Nye, Crush Pineapple.

Dislikes: Something out of the ordinary, getting dragged into crap he doesn't wanna do,  Philadelphia Flyers, Bigfoot, anything vegan, getting screwed over, snails.

Love Interests: Vera, Flower Scouts.

Voice: David Willis 

And that will be all. And if any guessed it, the OC is based on Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Anyway, thanks for reading this.

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