Story 4!

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This is from 2023 💀💀 and I found it in my notes  (this was before I found out I was trans! I was also lesbian at this time)💀💀 Also the picture is a picture of my school's lake!


1. Feeling excluded and left out by peers during break time.

2. Being treated unfairly or disrespectfully in a game situation.

3. Experiencing conflict and misunderstandings with peers.

4. Feeling unsupported and misunderstood by friends or peers.

5. Dealing with rude behavior, such as a person pointing the rude finger and calling names.

Today (real story) 26/5/23

-start of day-

When we were going up to class I saw M crying so I said,

"What's wrong M!?" And she said,

"Everyone is telling me, I'm incorrect (about something I forgot) and L didn't even care I was crying, none of them even" And then we walked up stairs to class.

-big break-

I was sitting by myself with no hat beacuse one M was sitting with H's group and two I didn't want to sit with L and the others. In break time I'm sitting outside of osh (a before and after school care) by myself with my left over foods, everyone (except M) came past. They looked at me for a second and look back going somewhere to talk. They go off to sostegno and don't invite me, yeah good 'friends'. Half the break goes by with me thinking if they are good 'friends'. Anyway, M come past and looks at me then goes away. She comes past 10 minutes later looking at me and stopped,

"(DEAD NAME), are you okay? Are you waiting for someone?" M asked me, I tell her everything and she she goes to everyone else and yells at them saying I've been sitting be myself the hole break, no one apologised. Then break was over.

-small break-

We've made up and play a game, and T is the ref thing, and she was being unfair saying,


The funny thing is that she counts till five, T needs to fix her brain, oh wait like she has any (geez little me). Anyway we get up at her and I was voted to be the new ref for the game, before we start T gives I and L jobs that the ref does. Oh I didn't handle that well. So I get her hat and threw it on the ground (yea, overreacting, but bitch had the whole role to herself before, so that kinda unfair) saying,

"So beacuse I'm the youngest in the group you treat me like this?"

"HOW DARE YOU!" T yells sassily before I walk off.

-Netball training-

So I'm sitting with I and she tells me what T has said about me and told me T said,

"Fucking bitch" when I left. Like quickly can we think about that? Also can you get a mirror for her because I think she's mixed me up with it (bro, little me is savage💀💀). Anyways T gives me fake smiles and I do the same making her more angry. She puts her hand on her cheek and puts up the rude finger. I show no reaction to her so she puts it up again but she quickly does it, I still show no emotion (Little me turned emo). At the end of the day she says sorry and I ignore her.

"(DEAD NAME)!" Indy says,

"What?" I say back and I says that T was trying to say sorry, and I'm like,


"T!" I says and then I say in front of T's stupid face,

"Who's T?" And I walked off.

"(DEAD NAME) I'M SORRY FOR WHATEVER I'VE DONE!!" T yells (okay, kinda dumb, ngl). Sorry for whatever you've done? One you pointed the rude finger at me twice! Being rude to C, and treating me like a baby (that was just you overreacting a little)! And that was my Friday!

There is so much confusing things in this story that little me wrote, I don't even bother to fix it because I dont know how -_-Anywayyyyyy have a good day! Byeeee!

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