Chapter 5: Plan

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First things first, you need to know my plan. Obviously.

1. Weapons, make them, find them, anything. Specifically, stabby ones.

2. Food. I don't eat due to this being a dream, but that thing does. I can collect meat and lure it

3. Fight. I need to learn how to fight better. This will take a few nights.

4. Learn. I have to know how this things works. How this dream is, how the monster works, and how this whole world area works.

When I got here I didn't see the school. I did see the squirrel, but it was next to the school. I need to find a way out of this forest.

I want to find structures. Buildings, houses, roads, even if it's a dirt path. Actually, that's my best bet.

This is a forest so I there's got to be something. I should explore when I'm out of my dream.

Mabye, I can see how things are compared to the real world.


What the fuck was that?

I think it's here...

Wait! I don't have any weapons. What do I do?? Climb a tree? Run for my life? Try to wake up?!

Then I hear a squeak, and crunching. Is it eating something?!

I sat up from my spot, and carefully crawled over to a small window in the front of the tree house.

I peaked out and looked


Mabye it's behind the treehouse?

I carefully crawled over to a back window, and peaked my head outside to see.

It's eating something.

I just stared at it while it was eating something on the ground. I think it's a rabbit.

Poor thing. Hmm mabye if I find this area in the real world, I'll see the blood splatter like I did the first time.

Now, I need to get something to defend myself from the monster.

I looked around the tree house, looking for anything to defend myself.

The first thing i see that can be used is a pencil, it's sitting right next to a book.

I looked over at the pile of things on the floor that I dumped from the bag, ok there's some books, a pencil case, loose pieces of paper, and tiny toys.

I unzipped the pencil case and looked inside. I can see crayons, pencils, tape, scissors. Ok good, I can work with this.

I go over to a window in the treehouse and snap off a loose branch carefully. I can see it is still eating.

I grabbed the tape, scissors, and a pencil.

First I use the scissors to sharpen the tip of my branch, then I flip my branch over and sharpen the other side. I grab another smaller branch, and then take the tape and a pencil.

I tape the pencil on the smaller branch tightly, and making sure I can hide my weapon in my waistband underneath my shirt.

Ok. Time to make my great escape

I grabbed my double sided wooden spear, and anything that could be useful.

A bottle I found, blanket, the pencil case with everything inside, a notebook to write notes in, and a few branches that were sitting in a corner for emergencies.

I stuffed it in my bag and grabbed a spare notebook I didn't need, I looked outside to where the monster was

Luckily it was still sitting there. Just eating the animal.

I chucked the book in a far direction, to catch the monsters attention.

It looked up and went over to investigate.

I jumped down and stood up, walking over to a spot behind a bush, it came back over and continued to eat.

It looks like it's almost done.

I held my spear tightly, and stood up.

I gotta get away and fast, the book barely distracted it!

I carefully started to walk away keeping my eye on it, but making sure I didn't step on something.

I safely made my escape. I should have stayed at the treehouse, but I need to hunt.

I can always find the place and go back later. Hopefully I can soon.

Time to set out my plan in action

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