7. Love And War

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Beyoncé POV
The Next Morning
Kelly's Apartment

"So you walked in the house and then what happened?" Kelly asked as she walked into her living room over to me and handed me a glass of iced tea.

"I walk in and I immediately see Tati's mom walking out with the kids and them waiving bye to me. So to me I was immediately think they was finna jump me and ain't want the kids around. So I go in and Tati sitting on the couch smoking a blunt. I knew I was fucked then because she never smoke unless she pissed off.


"Sit down." Megan said from behind me.

I did as told and sat on the couch across from the couch Tatiana and Megan was sitting on.

"Explain yourself. Now." Tatiana demanded.

"I promise I wasn't being friendly or trying to flirt. He came in just like any other customer and he came to the register...

I took note of how he looked around confused, as if he didn't know rather he sit down and be serviced or come to the register and order. He set his sights on me, and I noticed a change in his demeanor almost immediately.

I spoke before he got the chance to, "Hello there, welcome to Lazy Susan's. What can I get for you today?" I said picking up my notepad. 

I tried to remain as professional as possible.

He smirked at me and looked away from my face at what I'm guessing was my name tag. Oh he's about to butcher my name.

"Beeonceaye, that's a unique name for a unique girl. How you doing mamas. "

I felt myself almost physically shudder at anyone other than the two that have my heart calling me mamas. I didn't want to give him the impression that I liked him calling me that. I only like when yall call me that.

I dropped my smile and cleared my throat. "My name is Beyoncé, and that's how I would like to be addressed. What would you like to order.."

I guess he caught onto me professionally saying I'm not comfortable with that. He nodded mostly to himself before he adjusted his clothing and spoke. "A black coffee and a turkey-swiss croissant, please." He handed out a twenty before I could tell him his total.

As I took the 20 I finally had a chance to take in his appearance, as I do with all the customers. He looked to be about 30, to me he looked like money. You can tell he's the boss somewhere of something. He just reflects that of someone with power. The man was standing at least 6'4, very solid muscular build, brownskin, his arms were completely overrun with tattoos. 

"You are staring beloved." He notified me making my cheeks heat up. "I must say you are gorgeous yourself."

I only turned red because I had been caught and I thought he'd get the impression that I was interested because I'm not.

"Thank you, you aren't too shabby yourself." I said with a small polite smile.

I can admit that, that remark might have been looked at as flirtatious but that was not the goal I was just trying to be polite, I swear.

"$13.46 is your change." I said as I handed it back to him.

"Nope, that's for you. Gratuity." He said denying me.

"Oh, thank you so much." I said humbly. "Give me one second, you can pick out a seat and I'll bring your order to you." He nodded and took a seat a few seats away from the register while still being near the counter.

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