Chapter - 14

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Vedika's POV

I watched Mukesh walk inside the Mehra Corporation building, his posture confident and unbothered. I was ready to turn away, to put some distance between this encounter and myself, but then a strange noise caught my attention. It was faint, muffled by the walls of the alley, but it carried an edge that sent a chill down my spine—a noise too unsettling to ignore.

Curiosity warred with concern as I edged closer, the sound growing louder and more distinct. It wasn't just noise; it was a struggle. My heart pounded in my chest, a sense of foreboding settling over me. I followed the sound around the corner, each step heavy with dread, until the sight before me made my blood run cold.

Mukesh Mehra was there, but he wasn't alone. He had a woman pinned against the wall, his hands gripping her arms with bruising force. Her body was rigid with fear, her head turning desperately away as he forced himself on her. Her hands pushed against his chest, trembling as she tried to escape his grip, but it was clear that her efforts were in vain. The raw terror in her eyes as she fought against him was unmistakable, and it seared into my memory.

For a split second, I was frozen, the scene before me too shocking to fully process. Then, fury surged through me like wildfire, igniting every nerve. How dare he? How could anyone do something so vile, so despicable? My hands clenched into fists, nails digging into my palms as I fought the urge to rush in and tear him away from her. But I knew that wouldn't help. Not yet. I needed to be smart, to gather evidence—to make sure that this monster paid for what he was doing.

Without thinking, I reached into my bag for my phone, hands shaking as I fumbled with the camera. I had to capture this, to make sure there was proof. But just as I was about to take the photo, the woman managed to wrench her head free, and her eyes locked onto mine. The silent plea in her gaze shattered whatever restraint I had left.

My breath caught in my throat, and before I could react, Adrith's arm shot out, pulling me against the wall. His body pressed firmly against mine, shielding me from view. The sudden closeness sent a jolt through me, my chest brushing against his, the heat of his body seeping through the fabric of my dress. I could feel the hard planes of his torso, the steady rise and fall of his breath, as if it were syncing with my own racing heartbeat. His breath was warm against my neck, and I shivered involuntarily at the intimate proximity.

Adrith's hand gently but firmly covered my mouth, his eyes locking onto mine with a silent command: stay quiet. His other hand rested against the wall beside my head, effectively trapping me in this small space. I nodded slightly, understanding the gravity of the situation. His eyes flicked to the side, where Mehra continued his assault, oblivious to our presence.

For a moment, the world narrowed to just the two of us. The sounds of the party faded away, replaced by the pounding of my heartbeat in my ears. Adrith's intense focus on the scene unfolding just a few feet away was palpable, and I could feel the tension radiating from him, a barely contained storm.

I tried to calm my breathing, aware of every inch of Adrith's body pressed against mine. The scent of his cologne mixed with the faint scent of alcohol from the party, creating a heady combination that made my head spin. I felt exposed and protected all at once, a confusing mix of emotions swirling inside me. The stark contrast between the vile scene happening just a few feet away and the strange, almost electric tension between us was overwhelming.

Adrith's hand slowly slid away from my mouth, but he kept his body close, shielding me. He leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispered, "You don't want us to get caught," His voice was low, barely audible, but the authority in his tone was clear. I nodded again, my breath hitching at the sensation of his breath on my skin.

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