Dear Jessica

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Dear Jessica,

I'm so glad you wrote back! And I liked the ending of your letter my dear, it was very poetic. Have you been smoking? Your letter smelt like smoke. You know how I feel about that. Jessica I care about you. You know that, right? I'm sorry that I still didn't tell you where I live, by the way.

I know you didn't say anything about it, but I just want you to know that I don't tell you for good reason. I love you Jessica. Anyway, my school life is officially over. These two jackasses, Tyler and Kyle, they spray painted fag on my locker because I turned down a girl that asked me out last week. Now everyone thinks I'm gay. GREAT!!!! :/

Dear Michael,

I'm sure no one thinks that. Just show them the picture of me I gave you. They'll have to believe you. And I have not been smoking!!! *insert offended gasp here* I wrote your letter while sitting by a bonfire. I told you Michael, I'm done smoking. Forever. I don't understand how you hate Venice. At least you have cool stuff to look at, Australia is just HUGE spiders and miles of wasteland. You have canals instead of roads and cool clothing. We have guys in short shorts and kangaroos. Whoopee. Ooh sorry, did my sarcasm hurt you? Just kidding. Gotta go. Love you darling.




Soo yeah um I can't give an excuse for the short chapters other than my life is crazy and schoolwork is the single worst fucking part of my life.

Ummm I hope you liked it. I'm not one of those people that pushes for votes or whatever. You can if you want to, if you don't that's cool too. I'm a mellow person so just relax and read my stories. Don't go all mangy gaga over them. It's whatever. ( hmm I just made no sense right there) also check out my other story " I'm going to enjoy killing you" and look for "serial girl" hopefully coming up soon.

Much love,

-Z x_x

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