Dear Jessica

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Dear Jessica,

Hi! I hope you're not mad at anything I said. I never meant to hurt your feelings or anything. Just tell me why you're not answering. Even if you can only send a sentence. Please. I really want to see you. I just miss you a lot. I know I sound needy but now you've haven't answered for three weeks. I love you.


Dear Jessica, November 22nd

Okay, I'm sorry, but you've haven't answered for a month and a half! Like what is going on? I know you said you're very busy but even a sentence would do! Like really? I'm sorry but I'm starting to get mad at you. It's not funny anymore. I thought you might've been playing a mean joke on me but now I see you're just plain old not bothering. Again, I'm sorry. Why I are you doing this to me? You know you're all I have. What do you want me to do? Just forget about you and go hangout with my friends? Well guess what..... I have none.


Dear Jessica,

Three months. You haven't answered in three fucking months Jessica. Why? C'mon tell me. Write one fucking sentence, word, syllable, I don't even care! I just want to know whether or not you're still my girlfriend. Jessica I'm begging you know. Answer me. Please.

- Michael

Dear Michael,

I'm sorry I haven't answered you. I was too busy with the funeral arrangements and having family over and dealing with Goodwill.

Michael, Jessica died from a lacrosse injury a few months ago. I was going to tell you but I've been too busy with dealing with the emotional aftermath of losing her. She was so excited after she came from camp last year. She told me stories that made me feel like I met you. And when She came home this year, nothing. I thought you two broke up. When I got your letter from October 9th, I was shocked. She had been writing to you in secret. I'm so sorry that you only finding out just now.

- Mrs. Malcolm

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