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Hook stood in front of the poster for 'Castlecoming'. He chuckled to himself, already having good ideas for how to ruin the fun evening for the others. Especially all these princesses. After a moment, Morgie joined his friend, gazing at the poster too. "This could be fun." Morgie suddenly said this to his friend. They both glanced at each other, already knowing Uliana would love to ruin the fun evening.

"I think I know how we could increase everyone's enjoyment of the entire evening." After a brief pause, Hook answered, and the two turned away from the poster so that no one would know the two villains were already preparing for Castlecoming.

As the two walked, Morgie spoke up: "And the whole Castlecoming could be a lot of fun for us." The boy chuckled, glancing at all the bright-dressed people around them. Hook spotted Bridget, and as they walked past her, he kicked the small table on purpose so the plate with the muffins would fall to the ground.

The two boys laughed, and Bridget seemed not to be pleased with what they did, but before she could confront them, they were already too far away to catch up. The girl sighed, not understanding how anyone could be this mean to anyone.

Hook, on the other side, was still laughing, finding his act funnier than it actually was. "Uylana needed to see Bridget's expression." Morgie stated this and chuckled once again before the two males walked over to Maleficent and Hades, who had already been waiting for them.

"What took you that long?" Maleficent sighed, seeming annoyed at them for being late. Hook just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in front of his chest, already annoyed by the couple. "We were busy making people's lives miserable." Morgie retorted before Hook could and just leaned against a tree. Hades just laughed at the comment but ended up getting lightly hit on the shoulder by Maleficent.

After their meeting, Hook and Morgie were sitting together near a tree. It seemed like they were enjoying the afternoon after noon, or maybe they were plotting something. "I don't understand how Hades and Maleficent can stay in their relationship; it must become boring after a while." Hook pondered and glanced at his best friend, Morgie, who seemed to not really listen and just nodded his head. The moment Hook gazed away from him, Morgie looked at him, though.

For some seconds, he seemed not to really move or breathe at all; he was just admiring his best friend and how the male looked. The boy knew he shouldn't look at Hook this way, but at the same time, he couldn't stop.

Moments passed until Hook suddenly turned his head and was met by Morgie's gaze. "You alright..?" He asked and raised his eyebrow before just shaking his head. Morgie just looked away, not understanding his own actions.

Hook himself seemed confused; he liked having Morgie's attention on himself. If he weren't himself, he might've even blushed. But a guy like him never was flustered, propably. They both sat in silence, either of them not knowing what to say.

Just as fast as the sun disappeared, night began and the two boys were in the room they both shared. Hook was busy polishing his own hook, seemingly concentrated on making it shiny. Morgie found it quite funny, seeing his best friend so interested in his hook.

Sometimes he even thought Hook loved his hook more than anything; maybe it was also the truth. Whatever it was, they both enjoyed each others company. After all, they have both been friends for years.

Morgie was on his bed, gazing at Hook with a small smile before speaking up: "Need help?" He said it, meaning it was a joke at first, but then Hook agreed, so he stood up from his position to help his friend, even though he didn't even know how to help exactly.

They both kind of sat in silence, Morgie holding his hook so Hook could polish it better. Something didn't feel right, though. Friends normally don't sit that close, right?

Friends usually do not look at each other with these gazes, right? Friends also don't feel weird deep down from sitting so close to each other and doing something so normal.

Out of nowhere, the tension became awkward, and Morgie moved away, sitting back on his bed while Hook continued glancing at him, seeming like something was on his mind. He liked the way Morgie helped him, even if he didn't have to. They were usually the bad ones, but sometimes when it was just the two of them, they actually acted nice.

He shook his head, dropping those thoughts as he stood up to put away his red coat. Then he looked at his hair, wanting to run his hand through it and almost using the wrong hand with the hook before realizing he almost poked his eye out.

Hook looked at himself in the mirror, almost forgetting that he was not alone in the room. "Admiring your handsome face?" Morgie joked and stood up to go over to Hook. "I mean, I understand if you would." He then added and nudged Hook playfully. Hook just rolled his eyes and nodded. "Well, we are both handsome." He then said that and smiled at his friend before walking past him while rolling his sleeves up.

"You know, Morgie, I can't wait to have some fun at Castlecoming. Maybe before us villains do our thing, I will have a dance with someone." Hook suddenly began before looking at Morgie. "Maybe mock Bridget with a dance." He then continued and scratched his chin with his hook.

Morgie just rolled his eyes, not really taking Hook seriously. "Or we can have a dance." He just added and walked to the window before sitting on the window board. Hook seemed to think about it for a moment. "No one is stopping best friends from dancing." He just answered, not realizing that Morgie was not talking from a friend's perspective. But Morgie himself also didn't realize that he meant it more as a friendship.

They both just looked at each other before bursting into laughter, not being able to stay serious. After a moment, Hook just sighed and moved on to his bed again. "Tomorrow is a big day; we are doing our plan after all."

Morgie nodded, simply moving down from the window board and on to his bed. He lay there, listening to Hook rant about his ideas for the plan, like feeding someone to sharks or whatever else came into his mind in that moment.

Sometimes Morgie made a comment but after some time he went quiet and Hook looked away from the ceiling to notice that his friend was asleep. He chuckled and stood up to put a blanket over Morgie. Even if he did not understand why he did this nice thing, it felt right to do it. Maybe also because of many other reasons.

Hook took a step back, gazing at his sleeping best friend, and it somewhat felt weird to actually care for someone, so he just shrugged it off and went to turn off the lights. He knew he would still be awake for a while, but at least his friend could sleep in peace.

Hook sat on his bed, looking at the frame of Morgie in the darkness while he leaned against the wall and scratched his chin with his hook like he often did. Hook tilted his head, thinking of many different things, and at some point his mind ended up thinking about the fact that he maybe was actually loveable, even if he was one of the feared villains.

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