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The Next Morning

I woke up to the sound of waves crashing against the shore, the familiar rhythm coaxing me into a peaceful morning. The beach house always had a way of making everything feel lighter, as if the salty air could wash away any worries from the day before. I stretched and glanced at my phone, noting the early hour. Reluctantly, I threw off the covers and swung my legs over the side of the bed, my feet meeting the cool wooden floor.

After a quick shower, I rummaged through my suitcase and pulled out a pair of denim shorts and a pink tank top, perfect for the warm beach day ahead. I dressed quickly, brushing my hair and letting it fall in loose waves around my shoulders. As I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but wonder if Travis would be around today. Shaking off the thought, I reminded myself to focus on enjoying the time with my family.

The delicious aroma of bacon and eggs greeted me as I descended the stairs, the scent growing stronger with each step. When I entered the kitchen, I found my mom and Travis's mom, Donna, bustling around the stove, chatting and laughing like sisters. The sight brought a smile to my face. Our families had been coming to this beach house for years, and mornings like this were a cherished tradition.

"Morning, sleepyhead," my mom teased, glancing up from the sizzling pan. "Breakfast will be ready soon. Why don't you set the table?"

"Sure thing, Mom," I replied, grabbing plates and utensils from the cupboard. As I set the table, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nerves at the thought of seeing Travis again. But for now, I pushed those feelings aside, focusing instead on the warmth of family and the promise of a beautiful day by the sea.

As if upon my wishes, Travis and Austin bounded down the stairs. Travis wore a white button up with a pair of grey shorts, whereas Austin wore a pair of light wash jeans and oversized t-shirt.

"Jesus, Aus." I raised my eyebrows. "Aren't you gonna get hot in that? It's what- 95°?"

"Nah. The girls love this style." Austin nodded smugly, clearly proud at his attempt of style. I saw our mothers stifle a giggle and Travis and I made eye contact for a few moments as we hid our grins.

It was just those quick moments that made my heart flutter, and the fact I couldn't tell whether Travis felt it too. For all I knew, it could have just been me imagining things.

"Okay-" My mother interrupted my trail of thought, "Travis, help Taylor set the table for breakfast please. Austin, go get changed and once you're changed come back down and help them."

I giggled as Austin attempted to protest, but was quickly just down by my mother's stern responses. I watched him jog up the stairs and then walked towards the cupboard, pulling out 5 plates and table mats. I went on my tiptoes to try grab the crystal glasses my mother adored in the morning light, but after struggling for a few moments Travis came up behind me.

"Let me help you with that." He murmured, easily reaching up past me and grabbing 5 glasses. I felt my self go a hot red, blush creeping up through my neck and into my cheeks. It wasn't just that Travis has helped me so easily, but that he was now pressed against me.

Years back I had never realised how tall he was, but the height difference was really highlighted now.

"Thank you." I whispered, looking up at him.
My mind was racing. It was just a simple gesture, but it made my heart flutter more than I wanted to admit. I forced myself to focus on breakfast, determined to enjoy the morning without overanalyzing every interaction with Travis.

As we all sat down to eat, the conversation flowed easily. My brother, Austin, rejoined us, still slightly annoyed about his forced quick change and soon the room was filled with laughter and stories from summers past. Travis sat across from me, and I couldn't help but steal glances at him, admiring the way he fit so seamlessly into our family dynamic. My mind began to wander, and I imagined him sitting at the table with my family with us being a couple. He'd fit in so well.

After breakfast, Donna suggested we all head down to the beach for a swim. The idea was met with enthusiastic agreement, and we quickly cleared the table and gathered our beach gear. I slipped into my flip-flops and grabbed my towel, feeling a mix of excitement and nervous energy. The day stretched out before us, full of potential and the promise of sun-soaked adventures.

The sun was already high in the sky, casting a golden glow over the beach as we laid out our towels and set up camp for the day. The water looked inviting, its waves gently lapping against the shore. My brother, Austin, and a few others ran ahead, diving into the surf with whoops of joy. I hesitated for a moment, adjusting my sunglasses and wondering if my excitement was too obvious.

Travis nudged me playfully. "Come on, Taylor, let's go," he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Before I could respond, he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the water. I laughed, letting him guide me into the cool embrace of the ocean.

The waves were gentle, and we splashed around, laughing and teasing each other. Travis dove under the water and emerged behind me, sending a playful splash my way. I squealed and retaliated, trying to catch him but failing miserably. We continued our playful game, unaware of the time passing.

At some point, we found ourselves floating on our backs, side by side, looking up at the clear blue sky. The world felt peaceful, and for a moment, it was just the two of us, the rest of the beach a distant memory. I turned my head to look at Travis, and he was already watching me, a soft smile on his face.

"Hey," he said quietly, his voice almost drowned out by the sound of the waves. "I'm really glad you're here."

"Me too," I replied, feeling a warmth spread through me that had nothing to do with the sun. We drifted closer, our fingers brushing in the water, and the air seemed to crackle with a new kind of electricity.

As we walked back to the shore, the tension between us was palpable. We found a quieter spot away from the others and sat down, the sand warm beneath us. Travis looked at me, his expression serious for a moment. "Taylor, there's something I've been wanting to tell you," he began, his voice low and earnest.

My heart raced, a mix of anticipation and nerves. "What is it?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

He hesitated, then reached out to tuck a strand of wet hair behind my ear. The touch was so gentle, it made my breath catch. "I've been thinking about you a lot lately," he admitted. "I know it's complicated with Austin and all, but I can't help how I feel."

My heart pounded in my chest as I looked into his eyes, seeing the same uncertainty and hope mirrored in his gaze. We were so close now, our faces inches apart. I could feel his breath, warm and inviting, and for a moment, it seemed like the rest of the world had faded away. He leaned in, and I did too, our lips almost touching.

Just then, a shout from the others broke the spell. "Taylor! Travis! Come join us!" Austin called, waving us over. We both jumped back, the moment shattered. Travis laughed softly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Saved by the bell," he joked, though his eyes still held that intense, unspoken promise.

I smiled, a mix of relief and disappointment washing over me. "Yeah, I guess so," I said, standing up and dusting the sand off my legs. "Let's go."

As we made our way back to the group, where my mom, Austin, Donna, and Travis were chatting while breakfast cooked, I couldn't help but wonder what might have happened if we'd had just a few more seconds. For now, I was content to enjoy it, knowing that something had shifted between us, something that could change everything.

Secretly Yours - Taylor x Travis AUWhere stories live. Discover now