Chapter Four: The Werewolf Blood

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                                          CHAPTER FOUR

I open my eyes, and am blinded by a bright light. I blink, trying to get used to it, but after no success I turn over onto my stomach hoping to fall back asleep. The feather bed is soft and cozy; I could snuggle down and sleep forever. My body relaxes as it cuddles against the bed. I’m almost there, almost asleep. Suddenly a poke on the back makes my eyes shoot back open, I sit up and turn around. I force my eyes to get used to the light, and when they do I see Siana sitting on the edge of my bed. She’s already dressed in her armor, her light brown hair is up in a ponytail, her finger is poised, ready to poke me again if need be.

“Wake up, Princess,” she says sweetly as she smiles at me, “We need to get on the road to Jewels.” I groan and fall back onto the bed.

Half an hour later, we’re riding our horses north, to Jewels. The journey is a day’s worth on horseback. Siana, Traxin and I talked for a little while. But soon my mind starts to wander.

Tall green pine trees are on either side of us. The wind rustles through them, making a couple pine cones drop. A small river runs along my right side. I watch it flow as we ride, thinking about how to get the werewolf blood. My thoughts were so deep and concentrated that I didn’t notice Siana talking to me.

“Anya,” says Siana leaning her head forward trying to look at my face, “Anya did you hear me?”

I glance over at her, “S-sorry, no. What did you say?”

She leans back to her normal riding position. “I said it worked out perfectly, didn’t it?”

I knit my eyebrows together, “Wh-what worked out perfectly?”

She raised her eyebrows, “Running off to find your father. We’re searching for the ingredients for the queen but we can also keep an eye out for your father.” “Yeah. But-” I purse my lips and look out at the land before me. “I don’t want to find him on this quest.”

“Why?” asks Traxin. “You’ve been so obsessed with finding him.”

I look over at them. “I just don’t want him to have anything to do with this.”

Traxin nervously meets my eyes, “He already is involved in this, Anya. He was in Elet.”

I look away and clench down on my teeth. “I’m going to ride ahead, check out the scenery.” Before they could say anything, I urged Rosebloom to move faster. She galloped down the dirt path we’re on.

The thought of Father being a murderer sickens me. I don’t want the theory of him being one to be right. Cause he’s not. And Traxin gave the idea Father is involved. How dare he say that. I shake my head. No, Traxin is right. Father is involved. But maybe he didn’t have a choice, maybe there is something bigger. I groan in frustration. This quest is already big, how much bigger can it get? Ugh, this is so confusing! I force myself to stop my train of thought and then tell myself to forget it. I slow Rosebloom down and look behind me at Siana and Traxin. I give myself a few moments to calm down from my unnecessary anger, and then join them.

We stop at dusk, just a couple miles from the city of Jewels. We camp on the edge of a wooded area. The city of Jewels is surrounded by a tall, thick, brick wall. It appears that there is only one entrance, which is good. Because of the flat land, where we’ve camped we will be able to see who comes and goes. There also appears to be guards at the gate. I hope there isn’t too much questioning when we go in to find the dwarf.

I tie Rosebloom’s harness to a tree. “You better try to rest up, we’ll be running soon.” I pet her muzzle, than walk over to where Traxin is setting up a fire.

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