The Fight Between a Hybrid and Two (Half) Gods

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     Wilbur sat in the stool he has been sitting on for almost two hours and just watched. He didn't know what happened between the three but it must have been pretty serious. He looked over at Quackity who looked very, very wasted but still looked like he had a bit of common sense.
     "I don't get...why you two are here but stop...ruining by life right now...I have fun!" Quackity said. Stuttering a lot of his words.
     Wilbur started laughing a bit. He couldn't even say a full sentence or words at all. Just mutters and then him being loud and stupid. SapNap glared at Wilbur trying to make him shut up. Wilbur just gave him a smirk. He was fully on Quackity's side. Whatever bullshit he messed up, he was always on his side!
     SapNap sighed with annoyance, "'re drunk, go home. I don't want to start a fight with you. I still care about you."
     "BULLSHIT!" Quackity cried. He slammed his hand on the table. "You don't give a shit took Karl's side when I needed you...more than two made your own kingdom just let Karl call me a murderer when...I've...when...when I've not killed...go ahead a believe the time traveling memory lost son of a bitch who took you away"
     SapNap glanced his eyes down at the floor. Guilt appears on his face. Karl on the other hand had a type of confused and annoyed look on his face. "Still don't really remember you but you are a murderer." Karl said.
     "Not helping." SapNap mumbled.
     "SHHHHHH..." Quackity put a finger to SapNap's lips, "Don't encourage him."
     "I'm not, I'm just-..." SapNap sighed with a bit annoyance, "Q, just go home. Back to Las Nevadas. You're wasted and I don't like seeing you like this."
     "ANOTHER THING!" Quackity said, raising his voice. "Las Nevadas was made for the both if you...and you just go throw...throw it away like...its...n-nothing...go on and make a stupid kingdom like it's normal...but it's fucking not!"
     "Quackity..." SapNap says. Starting to get a bit annoyed.
     "This has happened twice...Pogtopia and Manberg! I was side...I think...but I talked to the others on the...other...pie...I MEAN...side...yeah that's I sorta get what Wilbur felt...making a whole Nation that was originally yours...hurts like a lot..." Quackity said. He stood up and was right in front of SapNap.
     SapNap looked down at him. Trying his best not to be annoyed at him, he was just drunk and didn't know what he was saying. Or maybe it's the fact that Wilbur was here. Were they here together?! Now that's what made SapNap a bit mad. He didn't really like Wilbur. He clenched his fists when he looked back over at Wil. He was counting some twenties to pay for whatever the two were drinking. Of course he was paying. That son of a bitch. Karl seemed to notice SapNap's anger so he took his arm to calm him down.
     "Sap...lets not do this right now. This was supposed to be a celebration night." Karl said.
     SapNap glanced over and him. Seeing the worry in his eyes and then sighed and nodded. Quackity on the other hand was still in front of him, looking up at him and looking stupid as fuck.
     "So," Quackity finally continued, "sense...your lover boy right here is saying that this is a celebration night...I would care to say that this is a celebration night for me as well..." he smirked up and SapNap. Seeing the anger start to form in his eyes. "The celebration not being with you...twoo any more...and me still being on top for Las Nevadas...because come on...I still top and you're still bottom!"
     SapNap glared down at the small duck that was in front of him. He was starting to lose it again. Karl tried to calm him down but was going according to plan. Quackity smiled to himself. Wilbur finished up counting the twenties and handed it to Bethany. He then started snapping his fingers,
    "Hell yeah Big Q!" Wil said. Cheering.
   Quackity was still smiling and put his hands on his hips. Being all proud. SapNap on the other hand was now even more pissed at Wilbur than he was at Quackity.
     "You can stay out of this Soot." SapNap said. His voice becoming a bit lower.
     "NO!" Quackity said. "He can stay in this...Wilbur you have...floor..." Quackity backed up and did a little bow thing with a silly smile.
     "OoOoOo, a court reference, well then, if it pleases the court I would like to say that my opponent is talking shit!" Wilbur said.
     Quackity started laughing at the old joke. Wilbur even did the voice with it. SapNap eyes literally turned red with anger. He did not want to talk to him. He was focusing more on Quackity and trying to convince him to go home, not this prick.
     "Quackity...just go home before things get out of hand. I don't want you or Karl to get hurt. Him on the other hand can burn like his nation. Just like the arsonist he is." SapNap said.
     Wilbur's eyes widen. He was mad at what SapNap said, just shocked. He smiled at it, "Damn, you really want me to go back to Limbo. So what, you can get Quackity back? Well, to what I've been hearing from Big Q all afternoon is that Karl over here forgot about him a called him a murderer. While you tried your 'best' to 'help' but just made it so much worse. You really do sound like wonder he is your father. How's that going by the way?"
     Karl was silent. Quackity was in awe with Wilbur's little come back. SapNap was pissed. Ever since the Egg it's always been fights here and there. Not the best relationship at the moment. He clenched his fists, his nails digging into his skin, his eyes turning even more red. He pushed Karl away just in case he set in flames. He didn't want him hurt then he already was.
    "Funny. Coming from someone that is nothing like his dad. Doesn't look like him or have his traits. Doesn't act like him and just causes more and more destruction. Are you sure you're not the one who is adopted?" SapNap said. Smiling sinfully.
     Wilbur stood up from his stool. Still showing no sign of anger what so ever. "I act more like my mother. Someone you don't even know."
     "How do you know I don't know her? Your mother is just a Samsung refrigerator." SapNap cocked his head.
     "How do you know? You don't even know who my mother is."
     "Who is she then?"
     They both fell silent. Karl on the floor because he fell when he got pushed back, he stayed down only for his safety. Quackity not really know what is going on and looks like he is about to pass out. SapNap looked please with himself when Wilbur didn't reply. He shrugged with a smile.
     "What I thought, you don't even know who your mother is." SapNap said.
     SapNap started to walk over to help Karl up until...
     "At least my dad isn't possessed by a fucking egg and I don't got THAT many issues with him." Wilbur spoke.
     SapNap stopped and gave Karl a look to stay down. Then turned around and his eyes were fire red. He could not stand Wilbur anymore. His horns began to flare up a bit. He had to think of something, a better insult, a thing that can not make him burn this place to the ground. Then it hit him. He smiled a bit, horns still had a bit of sparks to it.
     "Well at least I still have many healthy relationships. My marriage, friendship...AND...I know a little bit about where Fundy is!" SapNap gave a sinful smile after saying that. The room fell silent and Wilbur was shocked. He honestly thought Fundy died... This made SapNap laugh a little, "Face it, Soot. No one really gives two shits about you. The only thing they see in you is an arsonist and betrayer. Manipulator, sadistic, and narcissistic. And all they want from you is you back in the grave and in your own personal hell all over again. Sorry to say this but your own brother doesn't want you around. Tommy. Yeah. You know who he wants back? Ghostbur! But he is not getting him back until you're dead again. So...I believe he wants you dead as well. Nothing else!"
     SapNap looked proud saying all of this. But most of these words weren't really his. It was from a lot of different people. Not Tommy however. He was just making that part up. SapNap smiled at Wilbur and just shook his head. Wil's eyes were starting to slowly change into a dark red. He clenched his fists. Even though SapNap and Dream weren't friends anymore. They still had the same toxic words. George didn't. He knew what was right and wrong. But Wilbur was pissed with the two of them. He just wanted both if them dead and-
     "Actually!" Quackity interrupted. He stumbled over to Wilbur and still had a goofy smile on his face. "You're wrong about one of those...things! I do see Wilbur as all...of that...but want to know something...crazy as fuck?"
     SapNap sighed with annoyance, "Alex..."
     Wilbur was a bit confused of what Quackity was doing. Quackity looked up at him and smiled, "Do you remember the events of Nikki's birthday?"
     Wilbur's eyes widened and shifted back to their normal brown color. No way Quackity actually remembered. He always says he doesn't. Wilbur just nodded slowly.
     Quackity smile widened and then looked back at SapNap. "Well...I have to say that...*hiccup*...that...I've moved on from" Quackity looked at Wilbur and smiled and nodded. Then pulled him down by the collar of his yellow sweater and kissed him right on the lips.
     Quackity was just trying to piss SapNap and Karl off. But to Wilbur...he was shocked. Happy. Nervous. Surprised. A whole mix of emotions! But then it hit him...that happy feeling he hasn't felt in years. He felt it this morning when he had that came back? This really only happened with anyone he fell in love with...oh no...
     Quackity then pulled away and giggled, "This will for sure fuck with them." he whispered.
     Wilbur's face was red and he had no idea what to think right now. His mind was blank and he has honestly never felt this way in years. It feels like that something came back into his head...Simpbur...
     "The fuck is wrong with your eyes...they pink!" Quackity said. Still stumbling on words.
     Wilbur didn't answer. He was in some sort of trance. But when he heard that his eyes were pink he quickly snapped out of it and looked away fast. "N-Nothing..." he mumbled.
     Quackity shrugged with a smile and then pushed Wil away. "SEE...I've moved on to a...WAYYY...better person then you two...sluts!"
     Karl just sat there shocked a bit. He looked up at SapNap and he was furious. He couldn't hold back the anger anymore. His horns caught on fire and out came his firey wings. They weren't as big as you think but they were pretty big. He barely took them out unless if in danger or just really pissed off. Karl ducked at the flames and hid. The fire wings shooting off some powerful sparks. Go mostly everywhere.
     Wilbur's eyes widened. So SapNap was the son of a God. Well shit. He backed away a bit, grabbing Quackity's arm so he could move him out of the way of the flames...but it was to late. One of the flames went right towards the both of them and landed on Quackity's Wing. Burning it instantly. Quackity's eyes widened at the pain and then he let out a scream of pain and fell straight to the floor, holding his injured wing. Almost everyone in the room saw him and the pain he was in. It was excruciating.
     After SapNap heard his crys his fire burned out instantly. He couldn't believe what he just did. Wilbur was at first shocked, terrified, and worried. But it switched up pretty quickly and his eyes turned back to the dark red they were before and he glared over at SapNap. Karl was still hiding behind a table but he even saw what happened, he covered his mouth in shock and fear.  SapNap backed away for a second but then realize that was a stupid idea. He needed to help Quackity not run away from his own problem. He started walking over to Quackity, he didn't mean to hurt him.
     When Wilbur saw what SapNap was doing, he was not going to let that slide. SapNap had a few things correct about Wil now but he had a few things wrong. Sure. He didn't look or acted like Philza Minecraft. And yes, didn't have many of his traits. But...he was still his son...and he had one trait up his sleeve. Protection. Protecting anyone he cared about, truly. He didn't think and stopped hiding the fact that he had wings and jump in front of Quackity and his wings spreaded out in front of him. Blocking SapNap away from Quackity. SapNap stumbled back a bit in shock. His eyes widened and he couldn't even believe that what he was seeing was real.
     " have wings?!" SapNap said. Shocked.
     Wilbur didn't say a word. He looked down at Quackity who was still in pain. He scooped him off the floor and carried him, bridal style. Quackity didn't stay in that position for too long and clings over to Wilbur, wrapping his arms around him. Crying a bit. Wilbur wasn't flustered at all, he was just protecting. He kept the same glare at SapNap then looked over at Karl who looked even more shocked than before.
     "You...your mother cannot be the God of Death..." SapNap mumbled.
     Wilbur glared right back at him and then realized what was going on. Shit. He started looking around now for a an escape. His eyes back to their brown color. He looked up at the ceiling and saw a window. It was open. He looked at Quackity who was still in his arms and the two arseholes who ruined their evening. Yeah. He was getting the hell out of there.
     Just as he thought of that, WOOSH, he flew straight up into the open window and was outside and he flew off to Las Nevadas. Worried as fuck now. He didn't like flying at all. It hurt really badly and he wasn't really good at it. But seeing the state Quackity was in made him have more courage. He was not falling or giving up, he was taking Quackity somewhere safe. The only safe place he knew was just Las Nevadas. They could hide there!
     Quackity was still holding onto Wilbur. Still in so much pain. But he had no idea what was going on. He didn't even know that he was flying. Or that Wilbur had one knew he had wings because he never had them. Until he got them in Limbo. Not fun.

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